Friday, June 29, 2007
Intellectuals and power
Mr. Sever Voinescu wondered rhetorically in a yesterday's editorial: "Is it grounded, the fear that they, in their closed circle, are quickly writing a Constitution that sanctions Basescu as a god and then push it upon us?" He then immediately answered no, as: "A condensed rational analysis of this fear irrevocably broke it up. A new Constitution will only exist if the main political forces want it and, eventually, only if the people vote for it".
Fair enough, on condition that we all agree on the definition of the terms: what do we mean by "main political forces" and "eventually" ? During the debate that has launched the alert, the detonator was the idea vigorously expressed by some of the most imposing supporters of this new constitutional drawing up. Well, on account of this, during such a procedure of founding the third republic, the political parties and the parliament should be short-circuited, and the new constitution should be adopted directly by means of a plebiscite. In consequence of, I recalled the tragic constitutional experiences by the time King Carol II would also fully benefit from the public support of some imposing intellectuals, from Mihai Ralea to Nae Ionescu. The bitter criticism of the Parliament and the parliamentarism - to a certain extent a work of the same intellectual circles, as well as of the "furious young people" of the extremes, eight and left in a heap - had preceded, with an ever increasing intensity, the plebiscite that legitimated the dissolution of the Legislative and the banning of the political parties. Therefore, what does "eventually" mean ?
The public opinion in Romania has no organ to process international matters, because the recent history had turned the national ones into an obsession.. Neither the media, nor the political parties - as "Romania-centered" as any of us - pay any attention to the international context. If they did, they would notice at once that the aggressive populism is the main current threat to the representative democracy, the one about which Churchill said it was the worst political regime except for all the others. The post-modernist populists stand out by their voluntarism that tends to replace the law by an anti-oligarchic attack which in fact aims at bringing into power their own clientele-based oligarchy, by an authoritarianism carefully disguised for the national security and by an idealization of the State as a liberating force for the "people" and opposed to the country's political and economical elite.
Or, illustrious intellectuals - Nobel Prize for literature, like Harold Pinter or Günter Grass, famous scientists, like Noam Chomsky or Joseph Stiglitz (Nobel for economy) - turn out to be fascinated by their own vainglory and by the authoritarianism of some "caudillios" like Chávez or even Castro. When top intellectuals plead against the democratic system, the discourse effectiveness is directly proportional to their talent and intelligence. Intellectual prestige does not forbid political far-sightedness, but doesn't either generate it automatically.
At the end of his editorial, Mr. Voinescu still wonders: "Why Mr. Emil Constantinescu, the first non-communist president of Romania, ... , hasn't managed to gather these intellectual forces to assist him ? Mr. Basescu does it now, in spite of the fact that his biography recommends him to a much smaller extent as a favourite of the intellectual elite". Yes, how comes ? If I let myself lured by the ironical register, I would say for now - more in detail, another time - that Mr. Constantinescu's great fault seems to be hasn't had any philosopher brought to secret consultation by the presidential plane.
Zoe Petre
Ziua Vineri 29 Iunie 2007
Tariceanu contradicted by Vladescu on pensions
The deputies adopted, yesterday, with no dissentient voice, the Law on pensions proposed by PSD (Social Democrat Party). This law establishes an increase in the pension point to 37.5% starting 1 January 2008, and to 45% starting 1 January 2009. Moreover, the regulation stipulates the doubling of the farmers' pensions and an increase by 5% of the State pensions starting 1 September. The governmental officials contradicted each other about the opportunity to adopt this law. In spite of the fact that the minister of Labour, Paul Pacuraru assured that there were enough financial sources for increasing the pensions, the State secretary in the Ministry of Economy and Finances, Sebastian Vladescu warned that the increase of the pension point constitutes a danger for the macroeconomic stability. Right after the vote, the Liberals and the Social Democrats claimed for the success of having passed the bill.
Two billion Euro effort for the State budget
"The budget will feel the effects of such an abrupt increase, as it is somewhere over two billion Euro, that is approximately 2% of the GDP; it will be a long term effort, and the amounts will eventually be taken from the investment envelope", said Vladescu, quoted by Mediafax. He pointed out that he disagreed with such a great pressure on the pension envelope, provided that the system was already unbalanced, if we take into account the fact that the number of beneficiaries goes high above that of the contributors - the working people. On the other side, Vladescu explained that an increase of such proportions of the pensions would generate very important requests from the workers, who won't accept any longer increases of wages on account of the economic performance and the inflation rate.
Raluca Papadopol
Ziua Vineri 29 Iunie 2007
We don't withdraw from Iraq
-- On the contrary, CSAT (Supreme Council for National Defense) approved yesterday a supplement of 346 troops that are to be ready to join the 1625 ones around the world under UNO, NATO and EU command
The Supreme Council for National Defense has approved the package of forces and means that can be made available, in 2008, for the participation in missions of collective defense, for peace purposes, of humanitarian assistance and those of coalition-type. Practically, by the decision adopted yesterday in the CSAT, Romania will not withdraw its troops from Iraq the way PM Tariceanu would have wanted. He would state, until last Christmas, that the Romanian military in Iraq were to come back home. Traian Basescu managed to impose his viewpoint in this delicate matter that has fueled for the last few months the scandal between PNL (National Liberal Party) and Cotroceni Palace. The Liberal ministers members in the CSAT, headed by PM Tariceanu, weren't either as vehement as in the past in claiming a total withdrawal from Iraq, one of the reasons being that of the signals received from the US officials. They expressed on various channels their discontent towards the intention of the Government in Bucharest to withdraw its troops from the Iraqi theatre of operations. Right now, Romania has 495 militaries in Iraq (491 in the Iraqi Freedom mission and four military in the NTMI-NATO mission for training the Iraqi officers). As compared to 2007, the forces that can be dislocated for international missions under UNO, NATO and EU command, which are in the country now, will increase by 346 the number of military.
Dryness in CSAT
The PM handed the President, at the beginning of the meeting, a quite thick file containing updated information on the drought affecting Romania. Even though the topic hadn't been enlisted on the CSAT agenda on Wednesday morning, the head of State asked the PM to come to Cotroceni Palace with a detailed report on this matter and also with the measures the Government was going to take for combating the drought.
Among others, the document submitted by Tariceanu shows that the Executive will maintain the subventions for irrigation, it will take action to rebuild the irrigation system, and also to identify the ways of granting compensations for the crops affected by drought.
Moreover, the Ministry of Environment and the Ministry of Agriculture are to draw up a national strategy for combating the drought for a 20-year period.
On the other hand, Basescu asked the PM that, besides the financial support granted by the Executive, he should ask the EU the payment in advance for the subventions for the affected areas, this being a procedure also used by other Member States.
Doru Dragomir
Ziua Vineri 29 Iunie 2007
Thursday, June 28, 2007
PSD and PNL agree on future pensions
The PSD (Social-Democrat Party) and the PNL (National Liberal Party) managed to agree on the pension law and the labor committee of the Parliament decided yesterday to rise pensions the way the PSD wanted, so that the minimum pension would reach 37,5% of the average gross wages starting with January 1, 2008 and 45% starting with January 2009.(...)
Satisfied with the outcome, the PSD members dropped the idea to come up with parliamentary bill against the Liberal government and keep the text in the drawer until the final voting on the project, due in the Chamber of Deputies today. The PSD leader Mircea Geoana threatened that PSD MPs playing truant today would be expelled from the parliamentary group in the Chamber of Deputies.
Roxana Andronic & R.I.P.
Ziua Joi 28 Iunie 2007
Satisfied with the outcome, the PSD members dropped the idea to come up with parliamentary bill against the Liberal government and keep the text in the drawer until the final voting on the project, due in the Chamber of Deputies today. The PSD leader Mircea Geoana threatened that PSD MPs playing truant today would be expelled from the parliamentary group in the Chamber of Deputies.
Roxana Andronic & R.I.P.
Ziua Joi 28 Iunie 2007
Devil's advocate
Minister Cristian David used the government's Control Department against Romania in order to protect some lawbreaking Italian investors.
The fraud privatization of the biggest state-owned land company in Transylvania can't be annulled because of a document made up by the ex head of the Government's Control Department, at present Romania's interior minister.
At the end of 2006 the state of Romania asked the court to annul the process on the privatization of a considerable part of the state-owned company Dealul Ocnei. 1,120 hectares of agriculture land, 705 hectares of pasture, 176 hectares of forest vegetation and 18 hectares of roads got in the hands of a company called SC Agriful SRL in 2004. The Italians promised investments of hundred thousands of Euro, but all they did was prepare the land for sale.
The State Property Agency and the Environment Protection Agency became aware of the law break and the contract and addressed the court to annul the privatization. The Italians complained to the government and minister Cristian David ordered checks to deny the reports by the Ministry of Agriculture and the Environment Protection Agency. The lawyers working for SC Agriful intend to use minister David's report against the Romanian court tomorrow, after postponing the court session eight times. (...)
Ziua Miercuri 27 Iunie 2007
The fraud privatization of the biggest state-owned land company in Transylvania can't be annulled because of a document made up by the ex head of the Government's Control Department, at present Romania's interior minister.
At the end of 2006 the state of Romania asked the court to annul the process on the privatization of a considerable part of the state-owned company Dealul Ocnei. 1,120 hectares of agriculture land, 705 hectares of pasture, 176 hectares of forest vegetation and 18 hectares of roads got in the hands of a company called SC Agriful SRL in 2004. The Italians promised investments of hundred thousands of Euro, but all they did was prepare the land for sale.
The State Property Agency and the Environment Protection Agency became aware of the law break and the contract and addressed the court to annul the privatization. The Italians complained to the government and minister Cristian David ordered checks to deny the reports by the Ministry of Agriculture and the Environment Protection Agency. The lawyers working for SC Agriful intend to use minister David's report against the Romanian court tomorrow, after postponing the court session eight times. (...)
Ziua Miercuri 27 Iunie 2007
EU grows more demanding
The European Commission's report on the progress Romania has made in 6 months of EU membership doesn't mention the application of the safeguard clause, but EU authorities advise Romanian officials to draw an action plan with well-defined stages by October, in order to make the necessary reform accomplishments.
The report released yesterday includes some critique of the evolution in the Romanian Justice reform, but it does not recommend the activation of safeguard clauses. It only mentions the monitoring will go on. And Romanian Justice continues to be under Brussels watch and it is supposed to proceed to clear measures.
Practice is flawed
Apart from expressing appreciation for the progress of Romanian Justice, the European Commission explains that specific objectives are to be considered together, as parts of an ample reform of the judicial system needing long term political will. There are demanded ampler proves that theory is put to work so that the changes will prove irreversible. The Romanian government is described as committed to the Justice reform and to the elimination of corruption from the system. The European Commission estimates that Romanian authorities are well meaning and determined and they elaborated legislative projects, action plans and the necessary programmes. Still, there is added, Romania can pass the exam only if showing determination to carry out the measures each and every day. The document points to the flawed transformation of intentions into results.
Romania's intensifying efforts to fight against corruption enjoy appreciation, but there is added that a lot of things still need to be done, as the progress made is still not enough. (...)
The document emphasizes that the needed structural changes effect on society as a whole and call for progress that means more than the mere accomplishing of specific missions. Romania is supposed to prove constant determination and it will succeed if it shows respect for the strict separation of the powers, political will and a stable world of politics.
Justice staff problems
After a strict evaluation of Justice staff problems, the European Commission has concluded that more efforts are needed to complete the staff structure. There is estimated that the reform in the field hasn't been complete. EU officials say that the existing juridical guarantees on the mandates of judges and prosecutors are making the use of a staff policy based on needs more difficult.
The report mentions concern about the quality of the staff recently recruited for the Romanian Justice system and warns that magistrates recruited on a lower standard level may prove hard to eliminate, although unable to meet Justice system requirements. (...)
George Damian
Ziua Joi 28 Iunie 2007
The report released yesterday includes some critique of the evolution in the Romanian Justice reform, but it does not recommend the activation of safeguard clauses. It only mentions the monitoring will go on. And Romanian Justice continues to be under Brussels watch and it is supposed to proceed to clear measures.
Practice is flawed
Apart from expressing appreciation for the progress of Romanian Justice, the European Commission explains that specific objectives are to be considered together, as parts of an ample reform of the judicial system needing long term political will. There are demanded ampler proves that theory is put to work so that the changes will prove irreversible. The Romanian government is described as committed to the Justice reform and to the elimination of corruption from the system. The European Commission estimates that Romanian authorities are well meaning and determined and they elaborated legislative projects, action plans and the necessary programmes. Still, there is added, Romania can pass the exam only if showing determination to carry out the measures each and every day. The document points to the flawed transformation of intentions into results.
Romania's intensifying efforts to fight against corruption enjoy appreciation, but there is added that a lot of things still need to be done, as the progress made is still not enough. (...)
The document emphasizes that the needed structural changes effect on society as a whole and call for progress that means more than the mere accomplishing of specific missions. Romania is supposed to prove constant determination and it will succeed if it shows respect for the strict separation of the powers, political will and a stable world of politics.
Justice staff problems
After a strict evaluation of Justice staff problems, the European Commission has concluded that more efforts are needed to complete the staff structure. There is estimated that the reform in the field hasn't been complete. EU officials say that the existing juridical guarantees on the mandates of judges and prosecutors are making the use of a staff policy based on needs more difficult.
The report mentions concern about the quality of the staff recently recruited for the Romanian Justice system and warns that magistrates recruited on a lower standard level may prove hard to eliminate, although unable to meet Justice system requirements. (...)
George Damian
Ziua Joi 28 Iunie 2007
Romania under accusation
The Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe passed yesterday the second report authored by Swiss MEP Dick Marty, claiming that Romania and Poland housed CIA detention centers in 2003-2005. The resolution draft attached to the report released in June 8 in Paris was adopted due to 124 favorable votes in a long lasting session.
The numerous amendments from the delegations representing Poland and Romania were all dismissed. Given the decision, the Parliament of Europe is going to continue investigations and both states at stake may get severe sanctions in case they are found guilty of breaking human rights.
The accusations claiming that in 2003-2005 Poland and Romania housed CIA secret detention centers were denied by both Warsaw and Bucharest authorities. The report also claims that states like Germany and Italy opposed the search for the truth by invoking the secret of state. The resolution adopted by the Parliamentary Assembly claims that national governments invoked the secret of state and national security in order to prevent judiciary or parliamentary procedures meant to decide on responsibilities.
The resolution also demands that member states should promise to play no part in authorizing the transportation and detention of detainees still in Guantanamo on their territories. The document insists on the rehabilitation of victims, reminding that secret detention is a break of commitments taken by the US and the member states.
Wall of silence
Dick Marty argued that European governments built "a wall of silence" to reply to accusations of complicity to the CIA programme on the secret detention of terrorist suspects. He added that a concept such as secret of state was unacceptable when it was about breaking human rights.
Polish senator Urszula Gacek commented this was a conspiracy theory fueled by a generous anti-American feeling. Romanian politician Vasile Ungureanu described Marty's report as resembling "a movie script" and he demanded it should be dismissed. (...)
George Damian
Ziua Joi 28 Iunie 2007
Prosecutors question ex Romanian President
Military prosecutors questioned ex Romanian President Ion Iliescu yesterday afternoon on the case concerning the 4 Romanians who had died during the coal miners' attacks in June 1990. The ex President reached the office accompanied by his lawyer Ion Neagu, after being summoned for the third time.
Before talking to the prosecutors he told the journalists there that there was nothing he could reproach himself for in relation to the events at stake. He also added having asked the Prosecutor's Office to materialize the facts that could incriminate him so that he would have something to talk about with the military prosecutors. He commented: "I have received nothing from prosecutors so far. This is investigators' duty before starting any inquiry".
The ex President was critical of the way he was charged, claiming that fishy persons were behind the action. He argued: "For now we know the complaints from people and groups who say all sorts of aberration. The accusations are the work of complaint authors on whose morality there is much doubt". (...)
T. B.
Ziua Joi 28 Iunie 2007
New Constitution wanted
A group of Romanian intellectuals wrote an Appeal for a New Constitution, claiming there is need of "a new constitutional order" to "enshrine and settle the reality of the third republic". Catalin Avramescu, Andrei Cornea, Gabriel Liiceanu, Mircea Mihaies, Horia-Roman Patapievici, Andrei Plesu, Vladimir Tismaneanu si Traian Ungureanu author the initiative.
The initiators of the document argue: "Together with a significant part of the public, we are asking for a new Constitution. In other words, we want normality to reign over public power. We are demanding a referendum to decide on the form of the regime. We are asking for a Constitution to respect the sovereignty of people". According to the authors, Romania needs "a Constitution compatible to European values and Romania's international status, a Constitution to limit to the number of mandates and provide society with means to have control over the elected". The fundamental law they are pursuing is described as a means "to separate the powers clearly and guarantee fundamental rights".
And there is also an urge to dialogue: "We are therefore pleading for public debate on the new Constitution principles. No one has got the right to impose to Romanians, like it happened in the past, a Constitutional project elaborated behind shut doors. The New Constitution must be the outcome of public and collective efforts".
Anca Hriban
Ziua Miercuri 27 Iunie 2007
The initiators of the document argue: "Together with a significant part of the public, we are asking for a new Constitution. In other words, we want normality to reign over public power. We are demanding a referendum to decide on the form of the regime. We are asking for a Constitution to respect the sovereignty of people". According to the authors, Romania needs "a Constitution compatible to European values and Romania's international status, a Constitution to limit to the number of mandates and provide society with means to have control over the elected". The fundamental law they are pursuing is described as a means "to separate the powers clearly and guarantee fundamental rights".
And there is also an urge to dialogue: "We are therefore pleading for public debate on the new Constitution principles. No one has got the right to impose to Romanians, like it happened in the past, a Constitutional project elaborated behind shut doors. The New Constitution must be the outcome of public and collective efforts".
Anca Hriban
Ziua Miercuri 27 Iunie 2007
Justice minister's new secret service
The SIPA (Independent Service for Protection and Anti-Corruption) is not extinct. It became the DPCMP (Department to Prevent Criminality in Prisons), a secret service plotted by Romania's ex Justice minister Monica Macovei, now serving the Liberal Justice minister.
The dismemberment of the SIPA was just a lie for the EU. Government Decision 127/ 2006 dismembering the former secret service wasn't carried out because the archive wasn't transferred to national security institutions. The archive is still in the headquarters of the National Administration of Prisons, just a few meters away from the office of the ex SIPA head Doru Dobocan. The latter is now head of the DPCMP, a department established when the SIPA was dismembered.
Given the minister's order in March 2007, Dobocan's department got 105 more officers, hired after "admission examination". The number of the new department's employees is identical to the number of SIPA employees. Dobocan told the ZIUA reporters that ex SIPA officers were admitted in his department, but he denied it was a secret service.
Tudor Chiuariu, Romania's minister of Justice, was the one supposed to see to the archive transfer and obedience to EU directives and he can make successful use of the new secret service. Dobocan provides the Liberal minister with daily information on the activity and results of the DPCMP. (...)
Ziua Joi 28 Iunie 2007
Foreign minister denies having been humiliated at US border
According to the Romanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Romania's foreign minister Adrian Cioroianu was not under security checks when entering or exiting the US. The institution denies the information in yesterday's ZIUA report. But ZIUA sources still claim the checks took place.
In June 15, 2007, Octavian Andronic authored an article in "Buna Ziua Brasov" providing the following information: "When entering the US territory, the foreign minister was under the standard checks used by immigration authorities: he took off his belt and shoes for the antiterrorist check, he was fingerprinted and they took a digital photo of him". Octavian Andronic told us presently: "This is the usual antiterrorist check. They asked Mircea Geoana too to take off his shoes and belt and they fingerprinted him when he was a foreign minister".
Romania's ex PM Adrian Nastase claims in his turn that the fingerprinting and photographing when a citizens enters the EU for the first time have become compulsory. (...)
US Embassy claims the same
In the press release elaborated yesterday the US Embassy in Bucharest emphasizes that the information claiming the Romanian minister wasn't appropriately welcomed at the US airport by US officials is completely false. There is mentioned that it is the obligation of US airport officials to use etiquette on all high level visitors to the US. In case of foreign official delegations, there is added, special procedures are used at check points to hurry up the entry.
Ziua Miercuri 27 Iunie 2007
This saddening face called Romania
During the EU summit on the new constitutional treaty I felt as humiliated as I hadn't felt for a long time. Romania's participation was national shame, like sad supernumerary carrying Germany's dress train. It was embarrassingly impersonal. An embarrassing picture showing what actress Oana Pellea calls Romanica ('small Romania').
Humiliation was greater in contrast with Poland, a country turning from a satellite of the USSR into an elite player for acquiring status as great power, a transformation due to its integrity. We don't even seem to dream about getting such a status. We do nothing that can make Romania regain its international dignity and reach the players' desk.
The return to monarchy would be a guarantee. Had PM Tariceanu been His Majesty's PM, he wouldn't have allowed Romania to carry someone's dress train, even if it belonging to the first economic force in Europe. We could have made a tandem with Britain and chosen Euro-American solidarity.
The Brussels summit ended up with the adoption of a constitutional treaty full of aberration (such as the appointing of a foreign minister of Europe, the EU as juridical person of international law, elimination of the Beethoven hymn, which was the only compensation to Europeans' cowardliness to mention their fundamental Christian roots in the Constitution, the proclamation of socialism as state religion in the EU by eliminating the competition principle and more). And Romania agreed without setting conditions.
Romania's participation to this historical European reunion was so weak because those top politicians supposed to take responsibility and represent our country's interests in the EU honorably have been busy with lynching each other for two years and a half now instead of reaching consensus on Romania's interests. It is on the other hand true that PM Tariceanu had to counter President Basescu's offensive to dismember the National Liberal Party. But it is just that the PM could very well fight against the President and prepare a new international strategy for Romania as well. Unfortunately, nor Presidency nor the government took interest in it.
As for the President's intellectuals, they were useless too. They have been concerned about President Basescu's progress, but at all about a strategy for Romania. They have pursued at least one more mandate for the President. As for the governmental side, it seemed to care only about Tariceanu's score against Basescu. And the result of it was national self-goals during the EU constitution summit. And the two of them got along, which is surprising. What a sad consensus on Romania's subordinate status in Europe !
But we can't blame it just one the present irresponsible officials. Romania as the poor family relative reaching the EU court is the outcome of an undignified history.
Unfortunately, Romania is the only ex Communist European country not housing active civil society. It also is the only ex Communist Europe state where dissidence moves coordinated from within the Romanian Communist Party didn't take place. The hundred thousands of ex anti-Communist political detainees lived secluded or exiled. A handful of brave, dignified and very lonely people were protesting in the void. Because of enjoying no support, they were arrested or exiled.
Romania can't be compared to Poland, the Czech Republic or Hungary. Romania didn't shelter a move such as the "Solidarity", civic opposition such as the Czech Republic had or national riots such as in Hungary. Romania led a coward's life. And therefore Romanians have got the rulers and the results they deserve.
Roxana Iordache
Ziua Miercuri 27 Iunie 2007
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
Marty's report and terrorists' laughter
By their attacks in September 11, 2001, the terrorists wanted to undermine US economy and leave the US, the country of freedom and human rights, with no choice but take drastic measures against terrorism in order to be accused of breaking citizens' liberties and human rights.
The Dick Marty report incriminating the alleged CIA detention centers in some European states shows the flawed immunity system of the Free World, which protects terrorism implicitly, by defending terrorists' right to be beneficiaries of rights typical of the Euro-American society which they aspire to annihilate.
When the Bush Administration adopted the Patriot Act, the law on the Western civilization's right to self-defense, the opponents in the West started protests comparable to the incredible stupidity or sometimes evil intentions of Western intellectuals who would support communism and praise the USSR during the Cold War, while vehemently stigmatizing the victims and witnesses of Communist crimes. Just like General Pacepa unveiled, behind the anti-American 'peacemaking' action there has been Moscow, from the beginning and up to now.
Dick Marty seems to be a new kind of anti-American Soviet commissioner. He misses no opportunity to accuse the US, although he admits he has got no evidence on the alleged CIA secret detention and torturing of prisoners ("No fuckin' evidence !"). Proves are needed to prolong the detention of terrorist suspects, and still US authorities can be accused without any evidence. Just like with the European allies, Romania one of them. The rapporteur even stated that anti-terrorist prisons were all the more groundless because definition of terrorism was found !
The human being means nothing to terrorists. Human rights don't exist for them. Terrorists make use of the West to destroy the West and they use the American left to destroy America and the transatlantic alliance. In totalitarian Islamic states, people thought to have broken the Islamic law are punished in a barbaric manner, which illustrates the disdain for the human being (chopped parts of the body, torture and public execution together with the so-called killing for the honor's sake). I have never heard the Westerners defending human rights or the Americans leftists keen on protests against their own country ("blame America first") protesting against such primitive measures by Islamic extremists, which are inhuman and anti-human. Nor have I heard them protesting against the way women are treated as inferior beings. See the Abaya garment. And the stoning of women who dare get involved in romance forbidden by the Sharia, the Islamic rule. Coward Westerners don't incriminate such barbaric practices, still they feel no hesitation when criticizing the Christian Church - both the Catholic and the Orthodox - for opposing abortion and homosexual marriage. Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch haven got a job in order to prove that protection of human rights means protection of criminals and, more recently, of terrorists.
And terrorists are making good use of such attitude. Ben Laden is satisfied. The gurus of terrorism are aware that the only chance to succeed is to make Europe and America split. They count on the silly thing called political correctness, something of Western-Gauchist and American-leftist origin. What a luck that Sarkozy is a pro-American !
The rightwing will probably be elected at the White House again. And Rudy Giuliani, the legendary mayor of New York in power in September 11, 2001, will consolidate the Euro-Atlantic alliance. Europe's split from America is the golden dream of terrorists.
Roxana Iordache
Ziua Marti 26 Iunie 2007
The Dick Marty report incriminating the alleged CIA detention centers in some European states shows the flawed immunity system of the Free World, which protects terrorism implicitly, by defending terrorists' right to be beneficiaries of rights typical of the Euro-American society which they aspire to annihilate.
When the Bush Administration adopted the Patriot Act, the law on the Western civilization's right to self-defense, the opponents in the West started protests comparable to the incredible stupidity or sometimes evil intentions of Western intellectuals who would support communism and praise the USSR during the Cold War, while vehemently stigmatizing the victims and witnesses of Communist crimes. Just like General Pacepa unveiled, behind the anti-American 'peacemaking' action there has been Moscow, from the beginning and up to now.
Dick Marty seems to be a new kind of anti-American Soviet commissioner. He misses no opportunity to accuse the US, although he admits he has got no evidence on the alleged CIA secret detention and torturing of prisoners ("No fuckin' evidence !"). Proves are needed to prolong the detention of terrorist suspects, and still US authorities can be accused without any evidence. Just like with the European allies, Romania one of them. The rapporteur even stated that anti-terrorist prisons were all the more groundless because definition of terrorism was found !
The human being means nothing to terrorists. Human rights don't exist for them. Terrorists make use of the West to destroy the West and they use the American left to destroy America and the transatlantic alliance. In totalitarian Islamic states, people thought to have broken the Islamic law are punished in a barbaric manner, which illustrates the disdain for the human being (chopped parts of the body, torture and public execution together with the so-called killing for the honor's sake). I have never heard the Westerners defending human rights or the Americans leftists keen on protests against their own country ("blame America first") protesting against such primitive measures by Islamic extremists, which are inhuman and anti-human. Nor have I heard them protesting against the way women are treated as inferior beings. See the Abaya garment. And the stoning of women who dare get involved in romance forbidden by the Sharia, the Islamic rule. Coward Westerners don't incriminate such barbaric practices, still they feel no hesitation when criticizing the Christian Church - both the Catholic and the Orthodox - for opposing abortion and homosexual marriage. Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch haven got a job in order to prove that protection of human rights means protection of criminals and, more recently, of terrorists.
And terrorists are making good use of such attitude. Ben Laden is satisfied. The gurus of terrorism are aware that the only chance to succeed is to make Europe and America split. They count on the silly thing called political correctness, something of Western-Gauchist and American-leftist origin. What a luck that Sarkozy is a pro-American !
The rightwing will probably be elected at the White House again. And Rudy Giuliani, the legendary mayor of New York in power in September 11, 2001, will consolidate the Euro-Atlantic alliance. Europe's split from America is the golden dream of terrorists.
Roxana Iordache
Ziua Marti 26 Iunie 2007
Persisting flaws after 6 months of EU membership
The report monitoring Romania's progress with the Justice reform reached Radio France International two days before the official release due in June 27. According to the RFI information that Medifax Agency invokes, the European Commission thinks Romania has been making progress with Justice and the application of the safeguard clause is not recommended. The document mentions the progress the CSM (Superior Council of Magistracy) has been making as well as some concern about the efficiency of the newly established ANI (National Integrity Agency).
Progress made
The RFI claims in the report to be released tomorrow there is mentioned that in the first 6 months after accession Romania has been making progress to fix the weaknesses that could prevent the efficient use of European legislation and programmes. The document points there is need for much more time for Romania to prove that legislative progress means results in key areas. More care is also needed to handle all the adjacent measures so that there will be no tolerance as far as the fight against corruption is concerned. The document also reminds that, as decided, the European Commission is going to elaborate a report every 6 months and update it in the early 2008.
Doubt about the ANI's independence
According to the RFI Romania, the report has it that, generally speaking, Romania has been making some progress with the judiciary system reform. As for the making of the ANI, the European Commission mentions concern about the independence of this institution, supposed to work starting next October. The RFI claims the Commission's report points to doubt on the ANI's independence and efficiency in investigating and setting sanctions only partly settled by the amendments the government imposed by means of an emergency ordinance. The report warns that the governmental ordinance will be in force only until confirmed or changed by the Parliament. The conclusion is that Romania is to confirm the progress made by practical results.
Praise for DNA
According to the European Commission, the rigor in drawing criminal cases isn't reflected in court verdicts for the time being, as the country report describes the decision to appoint Daniel Morar to head the DNA (National Anti-Corruption Department) as having a negative impact on the fight against corruption. The document emphasizes that the information Bucharest authorities get on court sentences shows the sanctions are not dissuasive, just as it shows a very large number of suspended sanctions in high level corruption cases. There is demanded that it should be made clear. The RFI comments that such an aspect undermines the recent progress of investigations and harms the public perception of political commitment to fight against corruption.
And, the report adds, there are some recent events that may have negative impact on this fight: the changed status of bank fraud, the Parliament's intention to make criminal inquiries last less and the request that an important DNA official should be dismissed.
Lack of global strategy
The report reminds about precautionary measures in fields like health and education. And on the other hand there is highlighted the lack of a global strategy against corruption, based on an evaluation of risks concerning the most vulnerable areas of local administration. There is also mentioned the persisting concern about the political support for the continuation of important projects, such as the National Integrity Agency. But in general terms, the Commission estimates, progress has been made.
Geoge Damian
Ziua Marti 26 Iunie 2007
Progress made
The RFI claims in the report to be released tomorrow there is mentioned that in the first 6 months after accession Romania has been making progress to fix the weaknesses that could prevent the efficient use of European legislation and programmes. The document points there is need for much more time for Romania to prove that legislative progress means results in key areas. More care is also needed to handle all the adjacent measures so that there will be no tolerance as far as the fight against corruption is concerned. The document also reminds that, as decided, the European Commission is going to elaborate a report every 6 months and update it in the early 2008.
Doubt about the ANI's independence
According to the RFI Romania, the report has it that, generally speaking, Romania has been making some progress with the judiciary system reform. As for the making of the ANI, the European Commission mentions concern about the independence of this institution, supposed to work starting next October. The RFI claims the Commission's report points to doubt on the ANI's independence and efficiency in investigating and setting sanctions only partly settled by the amendments the government imposed by means of an emergency ordinance. The report warns that the governmental ordinance will be in force only until confirmed or changed by the Parliament. The conclusion is that Romania is to confirm the progress made by practical results.
Praise for DNA
According to the European Commission, the rigor in drawing criminal cases isn't reflected in court verdicts for the time being, as the country report describes the decision to appoint Daniel Morar to head the DNA (National Anti-Corruption Department) as having a negative impact on the fight against corruption. The document emphasizes that the information Bucharest authorities get on court sentences shows the sanctions are not dissuasive, just as it shows a very large number of suspended sanctions in high level corruption cases. There is demanded that it should be made clear. The RFI comments that such an aspect undermines the recent progress of investigations and harms the public perception of political commitment to fight against corruption.
And, the report adds, there are some recent events that may have negative impact on this fight: the changed status of bank fraud, the Parliament's intention to make criminal inquiries last less and the request that an important DNA official should be dismissed.
Lack of global strategy
The report reminds about precautionary measures in fields like health and education. And on the other hand there is highlighted the lack of a global strategy against corruption, based on an evaluation of risks concerning the most vulnerable areas of local administration. There is also mentioned the persisting concern about the political support for the continuation of important projects, such as the National Integrity Agency. But in general terms, the Commission estimates, progress has been made.
Geoge Damian
Ziua Marti 26 Iunie 2007
Justice minister: Macovei is against national interest
While taking to the deputies in the juridical committee yesterday, the Romanian Justice minister Tudor Chiuariu was very critical of Monica Macovei, Romania's former Justice minister. He claimed the latter was having action against national interest by her initiative of sending reports criticizing the evolution in Romanian Justice in relation to he Initiative for Clean Justice.
"Monica Macovei wants to make them believe that only herself is able", Chiuariu told the committee, reminding about the National Integrity Agency too. "Macovei is having action against Romania's interests, she is coming up with reports", he added, thus mentioning last week's report by the Initiative for Clean Justice.
According to NewsIn, Liberal and Social-Democrat deputies agreed with the Justice minister, whereas the Democrats stood by Monica Macovei. Liberal Mihaita Calimete commented: "Just a few days before the release of the European Commission's report, she sent an unfavorable report to Brussels".
Critique of the ex Justice minister followed after minister Chiuariu demanded the MPs to have no more debate on the change of the Criminal Procedure Code and promised to come up with a new one by the next parliamentary term. "As I promised, I will come up with a new Code by autumn", Chiuariu mentioned, adding that a team of experts was working on a new normative document. But the Social-Democrat deputies dismissed the minister's proposal, claiming that the new Code could pass only in February 2008 and that the Macovei laws had to be corrected at once.
Andrei Ghiciusca
Ziua Marti 26 Iunie 2007
Admission score for friends
The score political parties need to make it to the Parliament, 5% at present, may go down to 2% once the uninominal vote is settled. It is a project for which the Tariceanu Cabinet intends to take responsibility in the Parliament unless it passes on time. Such a change would allow parties like the PC (Conservative Party), the AP (Popular Alliance) or the PNTCD (National Christian-Democrat Party) to join the Parliament after the future elections.
According to Liberal Dan Motreanu, this is a proposal authored by the Pro Democracy Association and more organizations and it is aimed at helping small parties standing no chance to reach the Parliament. He also argues that a party with good candidates and with a good score in certain localities, but with a score lower than 5% at national level, risks failing to make it to the Parliament.
Ludovic Orban, a vice president of Romanian Liberals, announced yesterday that the Tariceanu Cabinet was going to take responsibility for it in the Parliament unless the project passed on time. He mentioned: "All the Liberal MPs are going to support the law draft on the uninominal vote. Unless adopted, the government will take responsibility for it after the parliamentary holiday"…)
Anca Hriban
Ziua Marti 26 Iunie 2007
According to Liberal Dan Motreanu, this is a proposal authored by the Pro Democracy Association and more organizations and it is aimed at helping small parties standing no chance to reach the Parliament. He also argues that a party with good candidates and with a good score in certain localities, but with a score lower than 5% at national level, risks failing to make it to the Parliament.
Ludovic Orban, a vice president of Romanian Liberals, announced yesterday that the Tariceanu Cabinet was going to take responsibility for it in the Parliament unless the project passed on time. He mentioned: "All the Liberal MPs are going to support the law draft on the uninominal vote. Unless adopted, the government will take responsibility for it after the parliamentary holiday"…)
Anca Hriban
Ziua Marti 26 Iunie 2007
Foreign minister humiliated at US border
Romania's foreign minister Adrian Cioroianu was humiliated when entering the US. He had to take off his belt and shoes, as he wasn't treated like a high official in an official visit, but like some immigrant. He was fingerprinted, his retina was scanned and he was photographed for the record of the US interior security. ZIUA sources say the US officers asked minister Cioroianu about the purpose of his visit to the US and they were not impressed that it was about a high official.
The visit during which he behaved like a parrot started bad: he crossed the border with no shoes on just to say 'yes', 'sure' and 'thank you very much' in his dialogue with the US state secretary Condoleezza Rice.
Ilie Banica, a spokesman of the Romanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, wouldn't answer ZIUA questions: Who was waiting for the minister at the US airport and where ? Was he under security checks ? What kind of checks were there ? The Ministry spokesman would make long pauses. He wouldn't answer when asked, although he accompanied minister Cioroianu in his visit to the US and he could see with his own eyes what was happening. The Ministry official asked us to email the questions so that he would reply 'as soon as possible'. (...)
George Damian
Ziua Marti 26 Iunie 2007
Migrating health employees
According to the research authored by the Trade Unions Sanitary Solidarity Federation, two thirds of Romanian health employees say they feel attracted to jobs abroad. The main target of the research has been to evaluate the medical staff's comments of the quality their professional life enjoys.
According to data provided by the initiators, the health staff's tendency is to go abroad to get employment and attractive wages. Most of the questioned say it would be difficult to turn down such an offer. And 85,6% of them claim there are colleagues of their who are now employed abroad.
The information shows most employees of the Romanian health system are dissatisfied with the state of the sanitary system, 45,35% express such dissatisfaction and 51,7% are just partly dissatisfied with the reform results.
64% of the Romanian medical staff say that, as compared to 5 years ago, the state of the sanitary system hasn't changed and some even describe it was worse.
The main causes of health system difficulties consist in insufficient funds and bad management of existing funds. 52% of the people asked admit it. 19% believe that that political interference in the management of the health system is the major cause of the difficulties the system faces.
C. P.
Ziua Luni 25 Iunie 2007
According to data provided by the initiators, the health staff's tendency is to go abroad to get employment and attractive wages. Most of the questioned say it would be difficult to turn down such an offer. And 85,6% of them claim there are colleagues of their who are now employed abroad.
The information shows most employees of the Romanian health system are dissatisfied with the state of the sanitary system, 45,35% express such dissatisfaction and 51,7% are just partly dissatisfied with the reform results.
64% of the Romanian medical staff say that, as compared to 5 years ago, the state of the sanitary system hasn't changed and some even describe it was worse.
The main causes of health system difficulties consist in insufficient funds and bad management of existing funds. 52% of the people asked admit it. 19% believe that that political interference in the management of the health system is the major cause of the difficulties the system faces.
C. P.
Ziua Luni 25 Iunie 2007
Stupidity rules
Romania has got the most stupid government it has ever had after 1989. When I say 'stupid', I mean 'stupid'! There were governments dominated by thieves, scoundrels, villains, braggers or traitors. But such a large amount of ridicule per 1 minister has never existed before! Given the hand the Social-Democrats give to keep the government down to earth, there is no God bestowed day without the noise made by the bricks minister drop !
Minister Cioroianu is a symbol of this funny government. The pantomime he played at the White House in front of the US press is memorable and it will remain so. The foreign minister made a fool of himself one more time when boasting about arranging a charter to take the Romanians in Gaza back home, although the respective Romanians were lost in Palestine.
Cioroianu's haughtiness and the self-confidence he displays when looking you in the eyes and dropping a brick are no exception in the Tariceanu Cabinet. Take minister Remes, for instance. "I don't care !" he yelled when asked to comment on the messy situation of the National Office for Land Improvement. Is it right to give such an answer when Romania is facing drought and lack of irrigation ? It 's just like what the Transylvanian says when he sees a giraffe: such a thing ain't exist ! And still ! There is nothing that can trouble the agriculture minister. His mind is as untroubled as a toddler's mind. This is why he said there would follow no price raise because of the drought. But in a country where market economy is just a concept and any pretext is good for price raising? This reminds me of his boss, Tariceanu, of the time when he was a minister of industry and the Democratic Convention was in power. He announced the gas price raise, but screamed at journalists when they estimated the usual chain price raise, especially for basic products. "What does the gas price have to do with the price of bread ?" the future PM of this comical government asked enraged.
And still minister Chiuariu, that young chap most gifted as expression of Romanian brashness, is brasher than Traian Remes and Cioroianu together. This frowning minister of Justice has got no hesitation to rebuke Reuters Agency, this so British stiff institution, for daring to call Romania by its name: the most corrupted state in the EU.
And age hasn't unfortunately got anything to do with ridiculousness. Teodor Melescanu says naughty things to have something to deny later. He didn't invite Russia to have common military moves with the Americans in Romania, it was the France Presse who misunderstood it. When replying, Moscow didn't get stuck in details and was neither impressed by the flattery. Moscow just mocked the minister smoking American cigar and sheltering outdated pro-Russian ideas.
As for minister of Education Adomnitei, he is a laughing stock even for children. But that scene with the haughty minister explaining to pre-adolescents how many stars there where on the EU flag does unjustly shade his true achievements. Minister Adomnitei announced the launch of the programme against violence in schools. The reporter asked him for details. Apart from debates, good conduct classes and preaching, there is one practical measure: the building of fences around all schools.
I wouldn't want to end my editorial without mentioning minister Nicolaescu, an official defying the disaster ZIUA is celebrating in today's front page. His brashness is unique. The greater the disaster in the Romanian health system, the more the minister insists reform is making progress. No disaster is great enough. The plague reigning during the epoch of Caragea would have been presented as a stage necessary to the reform.
We have got the most stupid and ridiculous government. But stupidity is not a flaw in Romania. On the contrary, the most stupid government is also the most stable. They are under no threat. Laws don't work, not even those in physics. Let me quote someone: this is an imponderable government. No one is supporting the government, still the government isn't collapsing !
Adrian Patrusca
Ziua Luni 25 Iunie 2007
Vacuum cleaning wife
Shortly after the Liberals took over, a company belonging to the wife of Romanian health minister Eugen Nicolaescu won the auction for a pre-campaign on the Rural Development Project. The obscure company called "Conen Consulting" with Costanta Nicolaescu as main shareowner got 1,24 billion ROL (almost $ 40,000) from the state budget.
Still the money isn't much as compared to other business. The contract signed with the Interior Ministry is as immoral as possible because when the deal was made Nicolaescu's party was in power. In an almost identical case, the Da Vinci affair, Social-Democrat minister Hildegard Puwak resigned.
And apart from the above-mentioned company, the Nicolaescu couple owns two more. And all the three companies have got debts to pay to the state budget. The 'minister of death' didn't tell his wife that he was a shareowner of the Agerr Solutions Company. Constanta Nicolaescu learnt from ZIUA about her husband's involvement in the latter company.
George Tarata
Ziua Luni 25 Iunie 2007
Saturday, June 23, 2007
Romania is the most corrupted EU state
According to the critical analysis by Reuters Agency, the outcome of the fight against corruption is at a standstill because of hesitating politicians, political confrontations and inefficient public administration.
The Reuters analysis is an ample account of the progress Romania and Bulgaria made after joining the EU in terms of commitments assigned before the accession. The report, 75% of it on Romania, includes severe conclusions.
Failed reforms
6 months after joining the EU, Romania and Bulgaria failed to prove credible progress with the fight against corruption and organized crime, despite the enlarged legislative reforms. The report mentions Brussels officials are concerned about it and some EU states say the two poor Balkan countries joined the EU too early. Both Romania and Bulgaria are under monitoring and they may be sanctioned after the European Commission releases report in June 27 and decide the two newcomers can't meet requirements on the fight against abuse.
Both states reformed the juridical system and passed laws establishing institutions to fight against corruption, in keeping with the EU demands. Still many foreign observers claim the outcome of it is at a standstill because of hesitating politicians, political confrontations and inefficient public administration. The diplomat of an EU state in Bucharest is claimed to have commented that he could never see the proof of results or the impact on society, although there should be evidence to show authorities' intention to fight corruption at all levels.
According to foreign observers, fraud is so deeply rooted in Romania and Bulgaria that very many local politicians don't want to implement efficient reforms. Judicial system members are often very close to criminal groups and the new laws lack mechanisms of application. And the disputes among the governing parties are one more problem, although both the Romanian and Bulgarian governments see their populations decreasing. There is estimated that reforms ceased completely the moment when the two states got EU membership.
As far as Romania is concerned, the ex Justice minister Monica Macovei is perceived as author of a complete renewal of the juridical system and there is mentioned that last April she was sacked as minister because of political arguments. Commentators opine that the present Justice minister, Tudor Chiuariu, is inefficient. Sorin Ionita, a member of the Romanian Academic Society, comments that what Romania's new Justice minister wants isn't clear yet. He adds the minister seems to be after setting limits to prosecutors' attributions.
The trial against Adrian Nastase makes no progress
Another example used is the trial against Romania's ex PM Adrian Nastase, at a standstill for several months now because of a Constitutional Court dispute. The trial is seen as a test for the ability of the reformed Justice system to handle high level fraud cases. (...)
Bucharest still needs an efficient agency to monitor politicians' personal properties, an institution Brussels officials believe to be crucial for the elimination of abuses. The report mentions that the Romanian Parliament initially restrained this institution's power and the MPs are now to pass an improved version on the respective law draft. According to Transparency International, Romania is the most corrupted EU state because of failing public policies used to fight and prevent corruption in public administration. (...)
George Damian
Ziua Sambata 23 Iunie 2007
The Reuters analysis is an ample account of the progress Romania and Bulgaria made after joining the EU in terms of commitments assigned before the accession. The report, 75% of it on Romania, includes severe conclusions.
Failed reforms
6 months after joining the EU, Romania and Bulgaria failed to prove credible progress with the fight against corruption and organized crime, despite the enlarged legislative reforms. The report mentions Brussels officials are concerned about it and some EU states say the two poor Balkan countries joined the EU too early. Both Romania and Bulgaria are under monitoring and they may be sanctioned after the European Commission releases report in June 27 and decide the two newcomers can't meet requirements on the fight against abuse.
Both states reformed the juridical system and passed laws establishing institutions to fight against corruption, in keeping with the EU demands. Still many foreign observers claim the outcome of it is at a standstill because of hesitating politicians, political confrontations and inefficient public administration. The diplomat of an EU state in Bucharest is claimed to have commented that he could never see the proof of results or the impact on society, although there should be evidence to show authorities' intention to fight corruption at all levels.
According to foreign observers, fraud is so deeply rooted in Romania and Bulgaria that very many local politicians don't want to implement efficient reforms. Judicial system members are often very close to criminal groups and the new laws lack mechanisms of application. And the disputes among the governing parties are one more problem, although both the Romanian and Bulgarian governments see their populations decreasing. There is estimated that reforms ceased completely the moment when the two states got EU membership.
As far as Romania is concerned, the ex Justice minister Monica Macovei is perceived as author of a complete renewal of the juridical system and there is mentioned that last April she was sacked as minister because of political arguments. Commentators opine that the present Justice minister, Tudor Chiuariu, is inefficient. Sorin Ionita, a member of the Romanian Academic Society, comments that what Romania's new Justice minister wants isn't clear yet. He adds the minister seems to be after setting limits to prosecutors' attributions.
The trial against Adrian Nastase makes no progress
Another example used is the trial against Romania's ex PM Adrian Nastase, at a standstill for several months now because of a Constitutional Court dispute. The trial is seen as a test for the ability of the reformed Justice system to handle high level fraud cases. (...)
Bucharest still needs an efficient agency to monitor politicians' personal properties, an institution Brussels officials believe to be crucial for the elimination of abuses. The report mentions that the Romanian Parliament initially restrained this institution's power and the MPs are now to pass an improved version on the respective law draft. According to Transparency International, Romania is the most corrupted EU state because of failing public policies used to fight and prevent corruption in public administration. (...)
George Damian
Ziua Sambata 23 Iunie 2007
Aidan White: Romanian press lacks credibility
Aidan White, a general secretary of the International Federation of Journalists, opined in yesterday's press conference in Bucharest that Romanian press was losing its credibility. He claimed there was an unhappy connection between politics and the media, which was harming the independence and ethics of journalists. He argued that more and more journalists were part of the corruption effecting on the media. The IFJ official underscored one didn't have the right to ask for changes unless one was changing. He outlined the word "corruption" was too often used in Europe to describe Romania and Bulgaria and opined that trust in the mass media could be regained by efforts. As for Romania, he claimed there are too many politicians pursuing business interests in the media.
As for the President of Romania Traian Basescu, the IFJ official described his speech as fully inadequate and permeated with clues against journalists' right to get information and ask questions. Cristian Godinac, president of the MediaSind, argued in his turn that the President's offenses against the political class and his verbal violence against journalists were a perilous precedent and he described it as scandalous that journalists should become a laughing stock for politicians. (...)
Ziua Vineri 22 Iunie 2007
As for the President of Romania Traian Basescu, the IFJ official described his speech as fully inadequate and permeated with clues against journalists' right to get information and ask questions. Cristian Godinac, president of the MediaSind, argued in his turn that the President's offenses against the political class and his verbal violence against journalists were a perilous precedent and he described it as scandalous that journalists should become a laughing stock for politicians. (...)
Ziua Vineri 22 Iunie 2007
The King and the Country. The Republic and Moscow
The National Institute for the Memory of Romanian Exile, the only governmental institution under the auspices of his Majesty King Mihai I, arranged a reunion to celebrate 80 years since His Majesty had been crowned. The reunion took place last Wednesday, June 20, in the Cantacuzino Palace-The Enescu Museum in Bucharest. The attendance of King Mihai and Queen Ana crowned a graceful evening.
Mrs. Marilena Rotaru, author of the event, and Mr. Dinu Zamfirescu, a president of the above-mentioned, were hosts. They reminded that Romania hadn't actually ceased to be a constitutional monarchy, even if Moscow had ordered a republic onto it. After 60 years, the Trison Group, a children's chorus from Chishinau directed by Stefan Caranfil, sings wonderfully. Their Romanian is unbelievably beautiful. They sing "Romanian, My Country" in Bucharest, Iasi, Moscow, Kiev, Paris, Berlin. The children of Basarabia sang it and the Royal Hymn to the King of our dismembered country.
Some will give superior smiles or snarls and claim that those present at the encounter with the country's history that is still alive prove suffer from nostalgia or from unachievable aspirations. But it is those who think Romania has been in an illegal state since December 30, 1947 who delude themselves. The illusion that such illegal state can go on forever will be shattered, even if the self-delusive ones make a majority, because of lying propaganda. In 1990 we commented that the Communists who had betrayed the country had fetched republic to Romania by Soviet cannons, but without providing such an illegal deed with legal grounds. Of course they didn't care about the law, as they knew things were already settled so that Moscow would reign over Romania instead of the King. It is just that they failed to impose an illegitimate rule by legal, that is legislative, means. They broke the Constitution and the other Romanian laws to pieces.
The Abdication of His Majesty King Mihai I has never been made legal in Romania. After King Mihai had been forced into abdicating, in order to save the lives of over 1,000 young people arrested for blackmail, the National Assembly members got together. But the Parliament had no quorum. And even if there had been a quorum, after the abdication had been adopted they were to settle Regency, because of the Constitution. A republic could not be proclaimed via a monarchist Constitution. A new Constitution, a republican one, would have had to be adopted to this end, and people would have had to agree or nor by means of a referendum. No such legislative measure was taken. The servants of Moscow disregarded people's choice for monarchy and defied the Church. King Mihai I was anointed a King, which is clear even to Gigi Becali.
Romania's reaffirmation as a constitutional monarchy must be the major bet of the Tariceanu government, a thing that should have been done in December 22, 1989. Iliescu and Moscow's reactivated servants were actually the ones who had plotted the whole bloodshed masquerade so that the true Romania would stay in exile. And now, after 17 years, the Constitutional Court is making 0 out of the court cases on the 1989 Revolution and the 1990 coal miners' attacks. The owners: Iliescu&Basescu.
But we are lucky that the illegal republic coming from Moscow can be overthrown by the most fervent supporters of President Traian Basescu, with Gabriel Liiceanu top of the list. He has announced he is working on a project for a new Constitution. A monarchist one, naturally. Mind you what Mr. Liiceanu's is uttering in his wonderful voice in the film of his friend Sorin Iliesiu: Monarchy Saves Romania.
Roxana Iordache
Ziua Vineri 22 Iunie 2007
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
A rude President
Journalists are free. This is what Traian Basescu used to claim during the electoral campaign that made him a President. Another lie of this caricature character who represents, the way he does, the Romanian state. Ever since reaching Cotroceni Palace, he has been ceaselessly offending the fundamental liberties and rights of the press and its representatives. And the last incident by the Black Sea shore, when, two days ago, Basescu called journalists rude simply because they dared film him while on public space, is the climax. It is Traian Basescu who is rude, actually.
Let's remember some things about the troubled divorce between Traian Basescu and the press. The first thing the President did after just claiming "Journalists are free" was a public, noisy and brutal refusal to allow journalists, just like under different administrations, their right to accompany him in his visits abroad. The refusal grew even more explicit when the reporters filmed the wind bringing up the presidential lock of hair, never seen before. It was in 10 Downing Street, when Basescu was saying goodbye to Tony Blair, the official he had met with on the famous Bucharest-London-Washington axis. After all, why did I say then and why am I saying now that, by banning journalists' access to the presidential aircraft, Basescu tried to restrain press freedom? After all, why wasn't he right to say that journalists, if they wanted to watch his activity abroad, should take civil planes? The reason is simple. Any visit by a head of state calls for severe measures of protection and protocol. High level meetings are usually part of a whole net of foreign contacts, asking for fast trips from one office to the other. Journalists who are not in the official delegation stand poor chances to report on such meetings. Had Basescu truly wanted journalists to participate, without discrimination, in foreign events, by means different than traveling by the presidential plane, Presidency would have provided a charter at the expense of the press and to the benefit of the press as well. But it did not happen.
Basescu's incredible rudeness is visible in all the incidents ever since. All the gross insults for some journalists, newspapers, TV stations and press owners. It culminated two days ago by the seaside. Basescu called some journalists rude because they were filming him while he wasn't at work. It is time for public opinion to realize that Presidency employees, with Basescu's knowledge and even at his wish, inform journalists when he leaves for places on mortal purposes. They do it so that the media will show him doing what common mortals do. This is what happened in the referendum day and two days ago too.
The second thing public opinion should know is that a head of state has never got days off. This is one reason why his bodyguards never leave him and the wages they get comes from the public budget. As seen, he is neither criminally responsible when, while not in the office, he steals a journalist's cell phone.
Thirdly, any person, a head of state included, may be photographed and filmed by anyone when moving in public space. We have got a rude President !
P.S.: But the presidential flatterer in the person of Catalin Avramescu, whom Basescu has just bribed with membership to the Administration Council of the Romanian Public Television network, is not one of the rude journalists.
Sorin Rosca Stanescu
Ziua Marti 19 Iunie 2007
President can't understand the part press plays in democracy
Last Saturday while by the seaside the Romanian President insulted journalists once again. He called them "incredibly rude" and civil society representatives have responded. They express concern about the President's attitude, which they are critical of.
Stelian Tanase, political analyst: "He is impossible to understand"
"The President has got no reason for such attitude and his response to the press shows how democratic he is. Such a thing couldn't have happened in a civilized state and I think civil society must react strongly. He is actually sending an undemocratic message to his own electorate, probably also because after the scandal with the reporter from Antena 1 channel his popularity has been growing. After the referendum he has shown a certain nervousness because of failing to capitalize his popularity and overthrow the government. Although not aggressed, he is aggressive, which is impossible to understand. Basescu reiterates offenses against the press, although he enjoyed press support. Things were calm around him that moment and he had no reason to get irritated".
Renate Weber, president of Foundation for an Open Society:
"A President can't invoke the right to private life"
"Traian Basescu should understand a President of state can't invoke the right to private life to defend himself, especially when he is in a public space. He can't make use of this. When he is in public it is normal for journalists to wish to get information, for a President doesn't work 8 hours a day. His attitude is part of his view that the press must serve him and he can't understand the part the press plays in democratic society".
Ana-Maria Mosneagu, executive manager of Pro Democracy Association:
"Have control over his speech"
"Such conflicts are so unfortunate. It is important to emphasize that the communication between the President and citizens is achieved via the media. It is desirable that the President should try to have control over his speech when citizens are present and especially when the media, fond of slips, is there".
Zoe Petre, historian:
"Disrespect for the press"
"This is not the first the President has had such attitude, but it is illustrative of his approach to the press. The President makes use of the press, but he takes it for an instrument, and not for a power in state. It is an instrument he disrespects, which is regrettable. Even if they have a love-hate relationship with the press, politicians generally respect it. In this case, it is disrespect for the press, which seems very unpleasant to me. Journalists must reply, especially after their support for the President".
Ovidiu Banches & C.A.
Ziua Marti 19 Iunie 2007
Post-communist left - a history of lie
Ion Iliescu's letter 17 years after the miners' race on 13-15 June 1990 is only a fragment of the interminable lie, misinformation and manipulation by which the post-communist left has dominated our political life. There are many decades those of FSN (National Salvation Front)-FDSN (Democratic National Salvation Front)-PDSR (Party of Social Democracy in Romania)-PSD (Social-Democratic Party) need to wash out the dishonour and the evil they've done to Romania. We know when the lie, misinformation, manipulation, as well as the murders, have started - on 22nd December 1989. But we don't know when they come to an end, as the party of Iliescu and his political associates haven't got away from staying into power.
In Romania, the left has been into power for more than 60 years. From 1944 till 1989 the radical left has been into power, that is the communist, Stalinist, totalitarian one, which has spiritually, morally and physically destroyed the nation and has reduced the country to beggary. After the communist left collapse, it was normal that parties of the liberal democracy came to power and we had a capitalist economy, able to generate, together, economic prosperity, individual liberty, equal rights for all citizens, a rule of law based on the separation of powers in the State. Nevertheless, we have enjoyed something completely different, we have had a monstrous left, whose objectives were the consolidation of the gang and individual power, the staying into power on an undetermined period and the compromised use of the State's resources to enrich its own clientele. Given their manipulative ability of a former-secret-police-nomenclature-type, at first they had managed to get the large support of the "popular masses" (in May 1990, Iliescu won the presidency by 85% of the votes, and FSN won the general election by 66% of the votes). Meanwhile, the December diversion with the dead people, the FSN turning from an executive and legislative power into a political party, the miners' races, the manipulation of the free election, the plundering of this country, and an endless list of sins won't ever be omitted by the history books. And we won't have to wait long until some of those responsible are prosecuted, and the guilty ones are condemned and go to prison. (This is until Basescu - another FSN chap, and his successor grant them a pardon).
What is happening now in PSD is the beginning of the end of a party that has swallowed too many years of our lives. The situation inside this party doesn't even deserve to be analyzed. Instead, we have to wait for the results of the five consecutive elections that are to follow in the next less than two years and a half. Although PSD is a party in a terminal stage, it still massively and negatively influences the Romanian politics. The fact that the last important historical party, PNL (National Liberal Party), is still governing against their ex-partners in the DA (Justice and Truth) Alliance, against Basescu, whom Tariceanu owes the nomination as a PM, but with PSD's massive support, shows us how much evil the party of Iliescu, Nastase, Geoana, Vanghelie&comp. still does.
After more than 60 years of left domination, 60 years of right domination should follow in Romania. I'll do no more reckoning, but after lie had dinner with presidents and PMs, with governments, ministers, parliaments, justice, time has come not to live in truth (as it would be impossible), but simply to get rid of lie. As my favourite author showed, democracy depends on the moral and spiritual state of a nation. For our nation to experience a moral, spiritual and christian rebirth, we must remove from power and from politics the source of evil - the undemocratic left.
Dan Pavel
Ziua Luni 18 Iunie 2007
Prosecutors charge ex President Ion Iliescu
Revolution and miners' races files, at crossroads
The 21 Decembrie Association, the Civic Alliance and the Students' League ask - by means of a letter sent to president Basescu and to the representatives of the European forums - for support in the files concerning the revolution and of the 1990 miners' race remaining in the custody of the military prosecutors. The signatories of the letter consider that the handing of those files to the civil parquets would delay for an illicitly long period the trial of the cases.
Chairman of the 21 Decembrie Association, Theodor Maries claimed, yesterday, in a press conference, that the transfer to various civil parquets and police sections of these files for a solution would seriously affect their finalizing in a short while. "In reality, all these maneuvers to repeatedly modify the criminal proceedings, by a direct legislative way or by the agency of the Constitutional Court, aim at ensuring the protection of some important political and military officials, who for 17 years have been avoiding investigations and being sued for the criminal deeds and the murders they had committed", said Maries.
In the opinion of the chairman of the 21 Decembrie Association, the Constitutional Court has "illicitly" postponed to pronounce over the complaints of "so-called" unconstitutionality of the standards by which it decided that the files left at the military parquets at the time the legislation was being modified should remain in the custody of the same institutions until investigations were over.
Maries appreciated that accepting those complaints would be an unforgivable and contemptuous act towards the victims, and also a provocation of the High Court of Cassation and Justice, as the supreme judiciary instance showed the mentioned provisions were constitutional.
Court, to pronounce today
The Court's prosecutors will make a decision today on the military prosecutor's objectivity, after the European Court for the Human Rights had decreed that military magistrates cannot be objective, whereas they are twice subordinated, once to the Ministry of Justice and the second time to the Ministry of Defence.
Ovidiu Banches
Ziua Luni 18 Iunie 2007
Macovei's secret
-- Upon the former Justice minister's order, a team of military experts searched through the DGPA (General Directorate for Protection and Anti-corruption, the secret service of the Ministry of Justice) - SIPA (Service of Intelligence and Anti-Terrorist Protection, the secret service of the Ministry of Interior) archive in 2005, but the outcome of the investigation hasn't been made public
ZIUA daily in possession of address no113595, issued from he Ministry of Justice on 14 December 2005, by counselor Mihai Pruna. He informed the "SoJust" Association on the partial results of the control the experts from the Ministry of Defence carried out through the archives of the secret service of Justice. The audit the military carried out revealed the fact that SIPA (Service of Intelligence and Anti-Terrorist Protection, the secret service of the Ministry of Interior) officers, many of which came from the ex-Securitate (the communist secret police), abusively investigated acts of corruption of some magistrates and State officials. The former management ordered the destruction of some documents that should have been preserved for 5 to 30 years, according to the law. Also, the lack of an organizational structure and of internal control procedures for the fund allocation was identified in the financial field. The admission procedure in the system wasn't always observed, in that that some candidates weren't psychologically tested and they weren't requested to submit their police record. A report on the Defense's secret control at SIPA's archive was submitted, in 2005, to the European Commission. Macovei didn't inform the Romanian public opinion on these irregularities and didn't take the necessary legal measures against those who had violated the law. Moreover, informed sources told us that SIPA also made use of a mobile phones tapping technique similar to the one of the secret service of the Ministry of Interior, led by Virgil Ardelean at that time.
Ovidiu Banches
Ziua Luni 18 Iunie 2007
Saturday, June 16, 2007
Murphy's Laws
The Way It Goes Sometimes...
Patrick's Theorem
If the experiment works, you must be using the wrong equipment.
Skinners's Constant
That quanity which, when multiplied times, divided by, added to, or subtracted from your answer,... gives you the answer you should have gotten.
Horners's Five Thumb Postulate
Experience varies directly with equipment ruined.
Flagle's Law of the Perversity of Inanimate Objects
Any inanimate object, regardless of its composition or configuration, may be expected to perform,... at any time,... in a totally unexpected manor, for reasons that are obsure or else completely mysterious.
Allen's Axiom
When all else fails, read the directions.
The Spare Parts Principle
The accessibility, during recovery, of small parts which fall from the work bench, varies directly with the size of the part, and inversely with its importance to the completion of the work underway.
The Compensation Corollary
The experiment may be considered a success if no more than 50% of the observed measurments must be discarded to obtain a correspondence with theory.
Gumperson's Law
The probability of a given event occuring is inversely proportional to its desirability.
The Ordering Principle
Those supplies needed for yesterday's experiment must be ordered no later than tomorrow noon.
The Ultimate Principle
By definition, when you are investigating the unkown you do not know what you will find.
The Futility Factor
No experiment is ever a complete failure,... It can always serve as as a bad example.
Airplane Law
When the plane you are on is late, the plane you want to transfer to is on time.
Allison's Precept
The best simple-minded test of expertise in a particular area is the ability to win money in a series of bets on future occurrences in that area.
Anderson's Law
Any system or program, however complicated, if looked at in exactly the right way, will become even more complicated.
Anthony's Law of Force
Don't force it, get a larger hammer.
Anthony's Law of the Workshop
Any tool, when dropped, will roll into the least accessible corner of the workshop.
Corollary – On the way to the corner, any dropped tool will first always strike your toes.
Army Axiom
Any order that can be misunderstood has been misunderstood.
Axiom of the Pipe. (Trischmann's Paradox)
A pipe gives a wise man time to think and a fool something to stick in his mouth.
Baker's Law
Misery no longer loves company. Nowadays it insists on it.
Barber's Laws of Backpacking
1) The integral of the gravitational potential taken around any loop trail you choose to hike always comes out positive.
2) Any stone in your boot always migrates against the pressure gradient to exactly the point of most pressure.
3) The weight of your pack increases in direct proportion to the amount of food you consume from it. If you run out of food, the pack weight goes on increasing anyway.
4) The number of stones in your boot is directly proportional to the number of hours you have been on the trail.
5) The difficulty of finding any given trail marker is directly proportional to the importance of the consequences of failing to find it.
6) The size of each of the stones in your boot is directly proportional to the number of hours you have been on the trail.
7) The remaining distance to your chosen campsite remains constant as twilight approaches.
8) The net weight of your boots is proportional to the cube of the number of hours you have been on the trail.
9) When you arrive at your chosen campsite, it is full.
10) If you take your boots off, you'll never get them back on again.
11) The local density of mosquitos is inversely proportional to your remaining repellent.
Barth's Distinction
There are two types of people : those who divide people into two types, and those who don't.
Boren's First Law
When in doubt, mumble.
Brook's Law
Adding manpower to a late software project makes it later.
Barzun's Laws of Learning
1) The simple but difficult arts of paying attention, copying accurately, following an argument, detecting an ambiguity or a false inference, testing guesses by summoning up contrary instances, organizing one's time and one's thought for study – all these arts – cannot be taught in the air but only through the difficulties of a defined subject. They cannot be taught in one course or one year, but must be acquired gradually in dozens of connections.
2) The analogy to athletics must be pressed until all recognize that in the exercise of Intellect those who lack the muscles, coordination, and will power can claim no place at the training table, let alone on the playing field.
Forthoffer's Cynical Summary of Barzun's Laws
1) That which has not yet been taught directly can never be taught directly.
2) If at first you don't succeed, you will never succeed.
Decaprio's Rule
Everything takes more time and money.
Dijkstra's Law of Programming Inertia
If you don't know what your program is supposed to do, you'd better not start writing it.
Etorre's Observation
The other line moves faster.
First Maxim of Computers
To err is human, but to really screw things up requires a computer.
Gallois's Revelation
If you put tomfoolery into a computer, nothing comes back out but tomfoolery. But this tomfoolery, having passed through a very expensive machine, is somehow ennobled, and no one dares to criticize it.
Corollary – An expert is a person who avoids the small errors while sweeping on to the Grand Fallacy.
Glib's Laws of Reliability
1. Computers are unreliable, but humans are even more unreliable.
Corollary - At the source of every error which is blamed on the computer you will find at least two human errors, including the error of blaming it on the computer.
2. Any system which relies on human reliability is unreliable.
3. The only difference between the fools and the criminal who attacks a system is that the fool attacks unpredictably and on a broader front.
4. A system tends to grow in terms of complexity rather than simplification, until the resulting unreliability becomes intolerable.
5. Self-checking systems tend to have a complexity in proportion to the inherent unreliability of the system in which they are used.
6. The error detection and correction capabilities of a system will serve as the key to understanding the types of error which they cannot handle.
7. Undetectable errors are infinite in variety, in contrast to detectable errors, which by definition are limited.
8. All real programs contain errors unless proven otherwise, which is impossible.
9. Investment in reliability will increase until it exceeds the probable cost of errors, or until somebody insists on getting some useful work done.
The Golden Rule of Arts and Sciences
Whoever has the gold makes the rules.
Golub's Laws of Computerdom
1. Fuzzy project objectives are used to avoid the embarrassment of estimating the corresponding costs.
2. A carelessly planned project takes three times longer to complete than expected; if carefully planned, it will take only twice as long.
3. The effort required to correct course increases geometrically with time.
4. Project teams detest weekly progress reporting because it so vividly manifests their lack of progress.
Goodin's Law of Conversions
The new hardware will break down as soon as the old is disconnected and out.
Gordon's First Law
If a research project is not worth doing at all, it is not worth doing well.
Gray's Law of Programming
N+1 trivial tasks are expected to be accomplished in the same time as N trivial tasks.
Loggs Rebuttal - N+1 trivial tasks take twice as long as N trivial tasks for N sufficiently large.
Grosch's Law
Computer power increases as the square of the costs. If you want to do it twice as cheaply, you have to do it four times as fast.
Halpern's Observation
The tendancy to err that programmers have been noticed to share with other human beings has often been treated as if it were an awkwardness attendant upon programming's adolescence, which (like acne) would disappear with the craft's coming of age. It has proved otherwise.
Hoare's Law of Large Programs
Inside every large program is a small program struggling to get out.
Howe's Law
Every man has a scheme that will not work.
IBM Pollyanna Principle
Machines should work. People should think.
Laws of Computability as Applied to Social Science
1. Any system or program, however complicated, if looked at in exactly the right way, will become even more complicated.
2. If at first you don't succeed, transform your data set.
Laws of Computer Programming
1. Any given program, when running, is obsolete.
2. Any given program costs more and takes longer.
3. If a program is useful, it will have to be changed.
4. If a program is useless, it will have to be documented.
5. Any given program will expand to fill all available memory.
6. The value of a program is proportional to the weight of its output.
7. Program complexity grows until it exceeds the capability of the programmer who must maintain it.
8. Make it possible for programmers to write programs in English, and you will discover that programmers cannot write in English.
9. Software is hard. Hardware is soft. It is economically more feasible to build a computer than to program it.
10. An operating system is a feeble attempt to include what was overlooked in the design of a programming language.
Law of Selective Gravity
An object will fall so as to do the most damage.
Jenning's Corollary - The chance of the bread falling with the buttered side down is directly proportional to the cost of the carpet.
Lubarsky's Law of Cybernetic Entomology
There's always one more bug.
Paperboy's rule of Weather
No matter how clear the skies are, a thunderstorm will move in 5 minutes after the papers are delivered. (or after you just have washed your car).
Project scheduling "99" rule
The first 90 percent of the task takes 10 percent of the time. The last 10 percent takes the other 90 percent.
Sattlinger's Law
It works better if you plug it in.
Segal's Law
A man with one watch knows what time it is. A man with two watches is never sure.
Shaw's Principle
Build a system that even a fool can use and only a fool will want to use it.
Troutman's Programming Postilates
1. If a test installation functions perfectly, all subsequent systems will malfunction.
2. Not until a program has been in production for at least six months will the most harmful error be discovered.
3. Job control cards that positively cannot be arranged in proper order will be.
4. Interchangeable tapes won't.
5. If the input editor has been designed to reject all bad input, an ingenious idiot will discover a method to get bad data past it.
6. Profanity is the one language all programmers know best.
The Unspeakable Law
As soon as you mention something,... if it's good, it goes away; if it's bad, it happens.
Weinberg's Law
If builders built buildings the way programmers wrote programs, then the first woodpecker that came along would destroy society as we know it.
Corollary - An expert is a person who avoids the small errors while sweeping on to the Grand Fallacy.
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