Saturday, September 01, 2007

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Zangy Comment Graphics

Boc hatches increased powers for the president

PD (Democrat Party) president, Emil Boc, wants that the introduction of the uninominal voting be followed by the set up, in 2008, of a committee for the constitutional reform. The Democrat leader has restated his party's proposition to increase the presidential prerogatives, on the model of France.
In essence, the PD project contains five points regarding the president's attributions. First of all, Boc wants that the president has the unconditional right to appoint the PM, as well as the right to dissolve the inferior Chamber after having consulted its spokesperson. Also, the terms of the president's taking part in the Government's meetings should be changed so that he gets the right to chair and sign the documents adopted at those meetings. In exceptional circumstances, war or natural calamities, the president might act as a republican dictator who can rule the state without any prior agreement or immediately after of the Parliament. In the fifth place, there shouldn't be any limitation of the referendum so that the population may pronounce on some bills initiated by the president. In parallel, the Government should be restricted the right to adopt emergency ordinances only for exceptional circumstances. "We have a regime that looks like an ostrich-camel, and this must stop", Boc added. He also said that PD would back up a quick voting of the Law on the uninominal voting in Pro Democratia's version. Boc's position is not a "dissidence" towards the president, who supports the uninominal in voting ballots, as hew admitted Basescu's idea was a better one. (...)

Adrian Ilie
Ziua Sambata 1 Septembrie 2007

Liberals, in search for their future

Adrian Iorgulescu and Varujan Vosganian have raised the problem of the PNL ideological future at the Summer school of the Liberal Youth. If Vosganian believes that the success if the EU integration imposes a rethinking of the PNL doctrine, Iorgulescu, in exchange, pleads for a unalterable maintaining of the current doctrine the way it had been conceived by the Bratianu family.
Starting from the premise hat the community acquis contains all the Liberal basic values, Vosganian said that the success of the integration has left the Liberalism without objectives. "We haven't defined yet a PNL post-integration ideology. In Europe, Liberalism is an organic element of the common people", the minister said. Consequently, Vosganian pleads for integrating into the Liberalism of some elements that are specific to other right-wing doctrines, such as Christian-democracy and conservatism. The minister explained that the abstract individualism that has been promoted so far might lead to an estrangement from the electorate.
In exchange, Adrian Iorgulescu believes that it is dangerous to give up classical Liberalism as this would help PD (Democrat Party) to push PNL toward the political left, and thus the Democrats would assume the role of the sole right-wing party. "The electoral chunk is on the right side. The battle is for the right side and PNL should stay there at any costs", said Iorgulescu. Otherwise, the Liberals would give up one of their best cards they have before the Democrats, and that is the consistency in doctrine. "Along the 133 years of tradition, we've always faced up with the challenges of the present", he concluded.

Adrian Ilie
Ziua Sambata 1 Septembrie 2007

Liar ruler from Chishinau and blockhead subprefects from Bucharest

No matter what Vladimir Voronin does, he always manages to put his foot in it. One of his anthological come outs was the one when he said Jesus Christ belonged to the communists' party. Some other time he sympathized with those who ask for meat croquettes and are being discriminated by when they are given mincemeat balls. All in all, Vladimir Voronin broke loose from all control.
Voronin's latest come out of this kind was last week, when he ruffled again towards Romania, by saying that he had never promised he would open two new Romanian consulates ! News agencies, radio stations and journalists have rushed to browse through their audio archive. Surprise ! Voronin did say he would immediately order the opening of two new consulates on the left bank of Prut River. That is another lie to score ! There are hard times nowadays, with so many voice recorders and news agencies, of which many are so disobedient...
Voronin has another problem - and it terribly looks like the one the greedy noblemen in the Middle Age, whose poor peasants ran like peasant from their estates. The million of applications for Romanian citizenship have indicated the true attachment of the people from the left bank of Prut River to the cause of belonging to the Republic of Moldova. The communists have been generous in sponsoring pseudo-historians and pseudo-linguists, as Romania still represents an attraction. We would be naive to believe that Bessarabyan people come to Romania to speak Romanian. They come here to earn money, and the fact that they can speak Romanian makes them successful. Even the communists from Chishinau do their best businesses also in Bucharest, directly or by mediators. Voronin would like that only those with a high level of ideological background come to Bucharest, that is the ones able to distinguish between the language spoken in the Republic of Moldova and the Romanian language, between the tasty meat croquettes (parjoala, as it is called in Moldova) and the oppressive mincemeat ball (chiftea, as it is called in Romanian). Each Bessarabyan individual that crosses the Prut River self-willed, in accordance with the freedom of movement principle, constitutes a blow taken by the Voronin regime.
Each student that graduates a faculty in Romania becomes a "class enemy" for Voronin's communists. If he could, Voronin would put barbed wire at the border and would completely forbid the crossing of the river - the way Ceausescu did to protected the Romanians from the decadent West, thus keeping them prisoners in their own country.
Unfortunately, prince Voronin receives an unhoped for help from the blockhead subprefects from Bucharest. The visa scandal is part of the concert of anti-Romanian measures the communists and Voronin's secret advisors have planned. The blockhead subprefects from Bucharest have just fallen into the trap like dolts. Now it's high time that visas were delivered for a longer period, of four to five years, with multiple entries. The Romanians from the left bank of Prut River who want to come to Romania, be it only for a better living, must benefit of this right. Voronin showed too many times he would die suffocated if he uttered the sentence "I speak in the Romanian language". We need no more proofs in this respect. Given the circumstances, to go further on the option of opening two new consulates at Cahul and Balti is completely idiotic. Ten trucks full of requests for opening these consulates can be sent to Chishinau; they would be treated as waste sheets. The simplest and most efficacious option is to modify the system of granting visas, that is on three to five years, with multiple entries. One more thing ! The law on the recognition of the Romanian citizenship for the Bessarabyan people should finally be amended in the same way, i.e. in the simplest version. That supposes any court in the country can do it, and thus the million of applications won't stuff the three judges in Bucharest any longer. And Voronin should be left at Chishinau, to speak the "Moldovan" until it sets his teeth on edge...

George Damian
Ziua Sambata 1 Septembrie 2007