Thursday, October 04, 2007


People House(in Ceausescu Era)/Parliament Palace(today) – Bucharest – Tis is the second greatest building of the World (as total build area), with an build area of 330.000 sqm. The building have 12 overground floors and 8 udergrounded.

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Girly glitter comments from

Fate of 'betrayers' decided today

The PSD (Social-Democrat Party) president Mircea Geoana and the other party leaders got together last evening to think about what to do with the 'betrayers' who had voted against the bill. In today's meeting of party officials Mircea Geoana is going to ask for sanctions against those who had opposed the government collapse, after pointing to expelling last evening.
But Viorel Hrebenciuc came up with a compromise solution. PSD sources claim he suggested rebuke would do.

Roxana Andronic
Ziua thursday 4 october 2007

Promise: In power in 10 days' time

Yesterday morning Mircea Geoana, a president of the PSD (Social-Democrat Party), asked his MPs to vote for the bill against the government, promising that the PSD would negotiate with the PD (Democrat Party) on a "multiple inspiration" government, party sources say. "The PSD may be in power in 10 days' time", he promised the PSD senators and deputies.
The PSD leader even claimed President Traian Basescu had been on TV to lobby for the bill after having talked to him in order to make preparations for the next step to be taken after the bill. They say Mircea Geoana told party officials: "I've just talked to the PM on the phone and he says he is making no deal with us for fear of Basescu". Therefore, he went on, the only solution left for the PSD is a national union government with the PD, a version negotiated last evening between the PSD and the PD. (...)
Nicolae Vacaroiu, a speaker for the Romanian Senate, claimed in his turn that there was an agreement between the PSD and the PD on the making of a "multiple inspiration" government. He said he didn't know about a written protocol or about the number of future ministers from the PD.
The PSD spokesman Cristian Diaconescu denied it at once, claiming there was no deal until the bill failed. Most Social-Democrats were claiming there was no protocol reached between the PSD and the PD and that Nicolae Vacaroiu probably wanted to scare the Liberals.

Roxana Andronic
Ziua thursday 4 october 2007

Seal of love

Despite the agreement between the PSD (Social-Democrat Party) and the PD (Democrat Party) with blessing from Cotroceni Palace, the PSD bill against the government failed yesterday. PSD sources claimed the two parties had made a deal to overthrow the Tariceanu Cabinet. The PSD had asked for written guarantees, President Basescu's included. A document had been signed by the very head of state, granting the PSD with access to a government mostly of PD members, the same sources added.
But the decision the MPs reached yesterday by their ballots shows the agreement was just mimed. The ballot counting unveils that the members of the PD, the PSD and the PLD (Liberal Democrat Party) disobeyed the orders from their own party heads. Ballots from all the members of the three parties would have exceeded the 232 polls the bill needed to pass. Given this, Mircea Geoana's days as president of the PSD are counted.
Because of he bill failure, the government is to expect assails from all sides or it may prove able to calm the hot spirits in politics down. This is up to PM Tariceanu's skill to negotiate with the main politicians on the 2008 budget and on the changing of the date when the new pension law is to come into force. The negotiations are due to start today.
There were 220 MPs who voted for the bill, 152 voted against it and 115 didn't vote at all. Given the counting, there were more than 30 'traitors' who gave a hand so that the Liberal PM would stay in Victoria Palace. (...)
The PSD leader Mircea Geoana blamed the failure on the "cowardliness" of the MPs scared with the early election idea or with a new government. He avoided mentioning the "deficiencies", but he warned that, unless voting for it, Ion Iliescu would have to explain to the PSD branch he was part of. The PD leader Emil Boc blamed it on the PSD, mentioning there were 29 deficiencies because of this party. Senate speaker Nicolaie Vacaroiu replied: "It is Boc who is partly guilty of the failure, because in the voting day he denied any talks and collaboration protocol between the PD and the PSD".
"There were talks with both the PNL and the PD"
As for the MPs longing for a new government, they proved diligent yesterday. Adrian Nastase no longer left abroad, Adrian Severin returned to Romania and Raluca Turcan was there, although pregnant. Still Ion Iliescu's friend Razvan Theodorescu and Ioan Solcanu said it clearly that they would vote against the bill.
Some PSD members pointed to Ion Iliescu, Sorin Oprescu and Adrian Nastase, although in the morning they were claiming the bill would pass. They said the PD "bought" ballots from some Liberals and the victory was sure. The Liberals weren't intimidated by the crowding MPs and the Social-Democrats' confidence and started lobbying on every PSD MPs, promising funds in the territory, government changes and the possibility to sign a protocol after the election of MEPs. In the end the Liberals managed to persuade 7 senators and 15 deputies in it.

Roxana Andronic, Razvan Gheorghe, M.T. & A.I.
Ziua thursday 4 october 2007

Calin Popescu Highlander and a sedative for Basescu

ZIUA spoiled the day of backstage servants. Yesterday before the start of the debate on the bill against the government, the ZIUA director Sorin Rosca Stanescu delivered live on Antena 3 TV station a bomb that exploded straight in the faces of those who had done everything to get power again, of the Front for National Salvation kind. Sorin Rosca Stanescu informed both public opinion and most of the MPs who had no idea about a protocol between the PSD and the PD (Democrat Party), established with consent from President Traian Basescu.
The Pharisee-like propaganda attitude of the President and of the PD and PSD leaders came out. They say one thing, but they do the other backstage. Traian Basescu claimed the PSD was public enemy no. 1 who supported the Liberal government from the shadow, and the PD leader Emil Boc claimed the same. But the PSD supported the government that much that they came up with the bill against the Tariceanu Cabinet. And the PD joined it. They also claimed the 322 MPs who voted for the suspension of the Romanian President were some villains to be driven away. But it was proved that Traian Basescu and the PD would have actually given anything for at least 232 of the 322 MPs to vote for the bill.
State interests were dropped in pubs and palaces. They proved indifferent to national priorities. National budget, election of MEPs, the NATO summit Bucharest is to house, assimilation of EU funds, fight against corruption, separation of economy from politics and no political interference in economy, they all are issues that Tariceanu government is concerned with and working for, despite the dreadful pressure. But the opposition has ignored them.
Right now both the PSD and the PD are in a more than embarrassing situation. They made fools of themselves in the eyes of their own electors. The PSD is a fool because of the prostitution with the PD to serve President Basescu, although just a few month before the party initiated the suspension of President Basescu and supported the Tariceanu government without PD members. It is also to be assumed that the PSD has got electors cleverer than the poor manipulated, people who honestly trust the left and would really like to see the PSD prove a modern left doctrine of the Tony Blair kind, instead of the old Communist smelling propaganda, as provided last night in the Parliament by Dan Mircea Popescu. Ceausescu himself would have voted for it, for something of the "redistribution to meets needs". But anyway, as foreseen, Mircea Geoana is history. The bill failed and he failed with it too.
The shoes the PD is in are even worse than those of the PSD. The Democrats voted against their own ministers in the first Tariceanu Cabinet, sacking them by bill. And they voted against the right government criticized by the PSD. Deputy Radulescu's speech against the Liberal Party resembles the denunciations common at the time when the ex Communist Secret Service in Romania used to get reports. But today he dares, like the PD does, to plead for lustration. There are also characters like Cristian Boureanu, most unrelenting enemies of the National Liberal Party, but who would have never reached the Parliament had there been no National Liberal Party. The latter will have to consider a priority such as ban on political migration or expelling from the Parliament as sanction.
But of course PM Calin Tariceanu, his government and party have got no reason to boast about victory. They passed the budget test, but obsessed President Basescu will do everything to sabotage the government. He had instigated against it one evening before the bill debate, urging the PSD and the PD to vote for no governmental project. As for the Tariceanu Cabinet's duties, some other time.

Roxana Iordache
Ziua thursday 4 october 2007