Monday, September 10, 2007

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Girly glitter comments from

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Girly glitter comments from

Government should go all the way

57% of Romanians think the present government should be allowed to carry out mandate, according to the latest opinion poll by INSOMAR.
Most Romanians are against early elections and only 14% believe they would be a solution. As far as the making of a new government is concerned, 14% say it would be dominated by Democrats and only 7% opine the Social-Democrats would get to make it. 7% go for an independent one.
As for vote intentions, the conclusion is that 41% of Romanians would vote for the PD (Democrat Party). The PSD (Social-Democrat Party) would get 18%, the PNL (National Liberal Party) would be voted by 12% and 9% would go for the PNG (New Generation Party). The PRM ("Greater Romania" Party) and the PLD (Liberal Democrat Party) would get 5% each. The remaining parties would fail to get 5%: the Democrat Union of Magyars in Romania (UDMR) - (4%), the Conservative Party (PC) – (2%), the National Initiative Party (PIN) - (1%) and the National Christian-Democrat Party (PNTC-D) - (1%).
According to the research, the President of Romania, Traian Basescu, is still the most trusted politician (54%). The PLD leader, Theodor Stolojan, comes second (33%) and PNG president, Gigi Becali, is next (32%). (...)

Ziua Luni 10 Septembrie 2007

Anti-Communist union born

The right center union was born last Saturday in Timisoara. On the birth certificate there are the signatures of Calin-Popescu Tariceanu, president of the National Liberal Party, Marian Milut, president of the National Christian-Democrat Party, Emil Constantinescu, leader of the Popular Action, Gheorghe Ciuhandu, honorary president of the National Christian-Democrat Party and Adrian Iorgulescu, a Romanian minister of culture.
Authors say one main purpose of the action is to promote the lustration law. In his speech PM Tariceanu described the making of the union as a coherent project to call for the emergence of a leftwing freed from Communism. Emil Constantinescu argued the project was a long-term one, absolutely necessary at present.
There was also argued that the neocommunist groups and the populist political forces were the new union's adversaries. According to the makers, the union is against "the so-called Social-Democrats, politically disguised, who have found themselves to be a rightwing overnight". (...)

Ziua Luni 10 Septembrie 2007

Real planes for real money

-- The Romanian government is to buy 48 multi-roll aircrafts for 3,5 billion Euro. Romania is to satisfy the US and don't make the EU angry.
The deadline for the subscription of offers to get the business of the century is over. The Romanian Ministry of Defense has got offers to purchase aircrafts like Eurofighter, F 16, F 18, JAS 39 Gripen and Rafale. The types selected are to replace the MiG 21 modernized by the Israelis.
The government is to make a decision after talking to the Parliament and the Supreme Council for National Defense. There are advantages and disadvantages for every plane to be used for at least 30 years. The Eurofighter Typhoon has got its qualities, but it costs twice as much as a JAS 39. The Swedish Gripen is a last generation achievement, but it hasn't been tested on battlefield. The F 16 is a war veteran, but conceived in the 70s.
The US claims that, once proceeding to such acquisition, Romania will join the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter, the US military's future assailant.
Teodor Melescanu, Romania's defense minister, is to talk to senators' defense committee tomorrow. In the meantime, the maintenance and flight costs for the 48 aircrafts will be over 10 billion Euro. It is to be reminded that a 10 million Euro commission was rumored for the acquisition of the two British frigates.

Doru Dragomir & M.B.
Ziua Luni 10 Septembrie 2007