Monday, September 10, 2007

Government should go all the way

57% of Romanians think the present government should be allowed to carry out mandate, according to the latest opinion poll by INSOMAR.
Most Romanians are against early elections and only 14% believe they would be a solution. As far as the making of a new government is concerned, 14% say it would be dominated by Democrats and only 7% opine the Social-Democrats would get to make it. 7% go for an independent one.
As for vote intentions, the conclusion is that 41% of Romanians would vote for the PD (Democrat Party). The PSD (Social-Democrat Party) would get 18%, the PNL (National Liberal Party) would be voted by 12% and 9% would go for the PNG (New Generation Party). The PRM ("Greater Romania" Party) and the PLD (Liberal Democrat Party) would get 5% each. The remaining parties would fail to get 5%: the Democrat Union of Magyars in Romania (UDMR) - (4%), the Conservative Party (PC) – (2%), the National Initiative Party (PIN) - (1%) and the National Christian-Democrat Party (PNTC-D) - (1%).
According to the research, the President of Romania, Traian Basescu, is still the most trusted politician (54%). The PLD leader, Theodor Stolojan, comes second (33%) and PNG president, Gigi Becali, is next (32%). (...)

Ziua Luni 10 Septembrie 2007

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