By their attacks in September 11, 2001, the terrorists wanted to undermine US economy and leave the US, the country of freedom and human rights, with no choice but take drastic measures against terrorism in order to be accused of breaking citizens' liberties and human rights.
The Dick Marty report incriminating the alleged CIA detention centers in some European states shows the flawed immunity system of the Free World, which protects terrorism implicitly, by defending terrorists' right to be beneficiaries of rights typical of the Euro-American society which they aspire to annihilate.
When the Bush Administration adopted the Patriot Act, the law on the Western civilization's right to self-defense, the opponents in the West started protests comparable to the incredible stupidity or sometimes evil intentions of Western intellectuals who would support communism and praise the USSR during the Cold War, while vehemently stigmatizing the victims and witnesses of Communist crimes. Just like General Pacepa unveiled, behind the anti-American 'peacemaking' action there has been Moscow, from the beginning and up to now.
Dick Marty seems to be a new kind of anti-American Soviet commissioner. He misses no opportunity to accuse the US, although he admits he has got no evidence on the alleged CIA secret detention and torturing of prisoners ("No fuckin' evidence !"). Proves are needed to prolong the detention of terrorist suspects, and still US authorities can be accused without any evidence. Just like with the European allies, Romania one of them. The rapporteur even stated that anti-terrorist prisons were all the more groundless because definition of terrorism was found !
The human being means nothing to terrorists. Human rights don't exist for them. Terrorists make use of the West to destroy the West and they use the American left to destroy America and the transatlantic alliance. In totalitarian Islamic states, people thought to have broken the Islamic law are punished in a barbaric manner, which illustrates the disdain for the human being (chopped parts of the body, torture and public execution together with the so-called killing for the honor's sake). I have never heard the Westerners defending human rights or the Americans leftists keen on protests against their own country ("blame America first") protesting against such primitive measures by Islamic extremists, which are inhuman and anti-human. Nor have I heard them protesting against the way women are treated as inferior beings. See the Abaya garment. And the stoning of women who dare get involved in romance forbidden by the Sharia, the Islamic rule. Coward Westerners don't incriminate such barbaric practices, still they feel no hesitation when criticizing the Christian Church - both the Catholic and the Orthodox - for opposing abortion and homosexual marriage. Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch haven got a job in order to prove that protection of human rights means protection of criminals and, more recently, of terrorists.
And terrorists are making good use of such attitude. Ben Laden is satisfied. The gurus of terrorism are aware that the only chance to succeed is to make Europe and America split. They count on the silly thing called political correctness, something of Western-Gauchist and American-leftist origin. What a luck that Sarkozy is a pro-American !
The rightwing will probably be elected at the White House again. And Rudy Giuliani, the legendary mayor of New York in power in September 11, 2001, will consolidate the Euro-Atlantic alliance. Europe's split from America is the golden dream of terrorists.
Roxana Iordache
Ziua Marti 26 Iunie 2007
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
Persisting flaws after 6 months of EU membership
The report monitoring Romania's progress with the Justice reform reached Radio France International two days before the official release due in June 27. According to the RFI information that Medifax Agency invokes, the European Commission thinks Romania has been making progress with Justice and the application of the safeguard clause is not recommended. The document mentions the progress the CSM (Superior Council of Magistracy) has been making as well as some concern about the efficiency of the newly established ANI (National Integrity Agency).
Progress made
The RFI claims in the report to be released tomorrow there is mentioned that in the first 6 months after accession Romania has been making progress to fix the weaknesses that could prevent the efficient use of European legislation and programmes. The document points there is need for much more time for Romania to prove that legislative progress means results in key areas. More care is also needed to handle all the adjacent measures so that there will be no tolerance as far as the fight against corruption is concerned. The document also reminds that, as decided, the European Commission is going to elaborate a report every 6 months and update it in the early 2008.
Doubt about the ANI's independence
According to the RFI Romania, the report has it that, generally speaking, Romania has been making some progress with the judiciary system reform. As for the making of the ANI, the European Commission mentions concern about the independence of this institution, supposed to work starting next October. The RFI claims the Commission's report points to doubt on the ANI's independence and efficiency in investigating and setting sanctions only partly settled by the amendments the government imposed by means of an emergency ordinance. The report warns that the governmental ordinance will be in force only until confirmed or changed by the Parliament. The conclusion is that Romania is to confirm the progress made by practical results.
Praise for DNA
According to the European Commission, the rigor in drawing criminal cases isn't reflected in court verdicts for the time being, as the country report describes the decision to appoint Daniel Morar to head the DNA (National Anti-Corruption Department) as having a negative impact on the fight against corruption. The document emphasizes that the information Bucharest authorities get on court sentences shows the sanctions are not dissuasive, just as it shows a very large number of suspended sanctions in high level corruption cases. There is demanded that it should be made clear. The RFI comments that such an aspect undermines the recent progress of investigations and harms the public perception of political commitment to fight against corruption.
And, the report adds, there are some recent events that may have negative impact on this fight: the changed status of bank fraud, the Parliament's intention to make criminal inquiries last less and the request that an important DNA official should be dismissed.
Lack of global strategy
The report reminds about precautionary measures in fields like health and education. And on the other hand there is highlighted the lack of a global strategy against corruption, based on an evaluation of risks concerning the most vulnerable areas of local administration. There is also mentioned the persisting concern about the political support for the continuation of important projects, such as the National Integrity Agency. But in general terms, the Commission estimates, progress has been made.
Geoge Damian
Ziua Marti 26 Iunie 2007
Progress made
The RFI claims in the report to be released tomorrow there is mentioned that in the first 6 months after accession Romania has been making progress to fix the weaknesses that could prevent the efficient use of European legislation and programmes. The document points there is need for much more time for Romania to prove that legislative progress means results in key areas. More care is also needed to handle all the adjacent measures so that there will be no tolerance as far as the fight against corruption is concerned. The document also reminds that, as decided, the European Commission is going to elaborate a report every 6 months and update it in the early 2008.
Doubt about the ANI's independence
According to the RFI Romania, the report has it that, generally speaking, Romania has been making some progress with the judiciary system reform. As for the making of the ANI, the European Commission mentions concern about the independence of this institution, supposed to work starting next October. The RFI claims the Commission's report points to doubt on the ANI's independence and efficiency in investigating and setting sanctions only partly settled by the amendments the government imposed by means of an emergency ordinance. The report warns that the governmental ordinance will be in force only until confirmed or changed by the Parliament. The conclusion is that Romania is to confirm the progress made by practical results.
Praise for DNA
According to the European Commission, the rigor in drawing criminal cases isn't reflected in court verdicts for the time being, as the country report describes the decision to appoint Daniel Morar to head the DNA (National Anti-Corruption Department) as having a negative impact on the fight against corruption. The document emphasizes that the information Bucharest authorities get on court sentences shows the sanctions are not dissuasive, just as it shows a very large number of suspended sanctions in high level corruption cases. There is demanded that it should be made clear. The RFI comments that such an aspect undermines the recent progress of investigations and harms the public perception of political commitment to fight against corruption.
And, the report adds, there are some recent events that may have negative impact on this fight: the changed status of bank fraud, the Parliament's intention to make criminal inquiries last less and the request that an important DNA official should be dismissed.
Lack of global strategy
The report reminds about precautionary measures in fields like health and education. And on the other hand there is highlighted the lack of a global strategy against corruption, based on an evaluation of risks concerning the most vulnerable areas of local administration. There is also mentioned the persisting concern about the political support for the continuation of important projects, such as the National Integrity Agency. But in general terms, the Commission estimates, progress has been made.
Geoge Damian
Ziua Marti 26 Iunie 2007
Justice minister: Macovei is against national interest
While taking to the deputies in the juridical committee yesterday, the Romanian Justice minister Tudor Chiuariu was very critical of Monica Macovei, Romania's former Justice minister. He claimed the latter was having action against national interest by her initiative of sending reports criticizing the evolution in Romanian Justice in relation to he Initiative for Clean Justice.
"Monica Macovei wants to make them believe that only herself is able", Chiuariu told the committee, reminding about the National Integrity Agency too. "Macovei is having action against Romania's interests, she is coming up with reports", he added, thus mentioning last week's report by the Initiative for Clean Justice.
According to NewsIn, Liberal and Social-Democrat deputies agreed with the Justice minister, whereas the Democrats stood by Monica Macovei. Liberal Mihaita Calimete commented: "Just a few days before the release of the European Commission's report, she sent an unfavorable report to Brussels".
Critique of the ex Justice minister followed after minister Chiuariu demanded the MPs to have no more debate on the change of the Criminal Procedure Code and promised to come up with a new one by the next parliamentary term. "As I promised, I will come up with a new Code by autumn", Chiuariu mentioned, adding that a team of experts was working on a new normative document. But the Social-Democrat deputies dismissed the minister's proposal, claiming that the new Code could pass only in February 2008 and that the Macovei laws had to be corrected at once.
Andrei Ghiciusca
Ziua Marti 26 Iunie 2007
Admission score for friends
The score political parties need to make it to the Parliament, 5% at present, may go down to 2% once the uninominal vote is settled. It is a project for which the Tariceanu Cabinet intends to take responsibility in the Parliament unless it passes on time. Such a change would allow parties like the PC (Conservative Party), the AP (Popular Alliance) or the PNTCD (National Christian-Democrat Party) to join the Parliament after the future elections.
According to Liberal Dan Motreanu, this is a proposal authored by the Pro Democracy Association and more organizations and it is aimed at helping small parties standing no chance to reach the Parliament. He also argues that a party with good candidates and with a good score in certain localities, but with a score lower than 5% at national level, risks failing to make it to the Parliament.
Ludovic Orban, a vice president of Romanian Liberals, announced yesterday that the Tariceanu Cabinet was going to take responsibility for it in the Parliament unless the project passed on time. He mentioned: "All the Liberal MPs are going to support the law draft on the uninominal vote. Unless adopted, the government will take responsibility for it after the parliamentary holiday"…)
Anca Hriban
Ziua Marti 26 Iunie 2007
According to Liberal Dan Motreanu, this is a proposal authored by the Pro Democracy Association and more organizations and it is aimed at helping small parties standing no chance to reach the Parliament. He also argues that a party with good candidates and with a good score in certain localities, but with a score lower than 5% at national level, risks failing to make it to the Parliament.
Ludovic Orban, a vice president of Romanian Liberals, announced yesterday that the Tariceanu Cabinet was going to take responsibility for it in the Parliament unless the project passed on time. He mentioned: "All the Liberal MPs are going to support the law draft on the uninominal vote. Unless adopted, the government will take responsibility for it after the parliamentary holiday"…)
Anca Hriban
Ziua Marti 26 Iunie 2007
Foreign minister humiliated at US border
Romania's foreign minister Adrian Cioroianu was humiliated when entering the US. He had to take off his belt and shoes, as he wasn't treated like a high official in an official visit, but like some immigrant. He was fingerprinted, his retina was scanned and he was photographed for the record of the US interior security. ZIUA sources say the US officers asked minister Cioroianu about the purpose of his visit to the US and they were not impressed that it was about a high official.
The visit during which he behaved like a parrot started bad: he crossed the border with no shoes on just to say 'yes', 'sure' and 'thank you very much' in his dialogue with the US state secretary Condoleezza Rice.
Ilie Banica, a spokesman of the Romanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, wouldn't answer ZIUA questions: Who was waiting for the minister at the US airport and where ? Was he under security checks ? What kind of checks were there ? The Ministry spokesman would make long pauses. He wouldn't answer when asked, although he accompanied minister Cioroianu in his visit to the US and he could see with his own eyes what was happening. The Ministry official asked us to email the questions so that he would reply 'as soon as possible'. (...)
George Damian
Ziua Marti 26 Iunie 2007
Migrating health employees
According to the research authored by the Trade Unions Sanitary Solidarity Federation, two thirds of Romanian health employees say they feel attracted to jobs abroad. The main target of the research has been to evaluate the medical staff's comments of the quality their professional life enjoys.
According to data provided by the initiators, the health staff's tendency is to go abroad to get employment and attractive wages. Most of the questioned say it would be difficult to turn down such an offer. And 85,6% of them claim there are colleagues of their who are now employed abroad.
The information shows most employees of the Romanian health system are dissatisfied with the state of the sanitary system, 45,35% express such dissatisfaction and 51,7% are just partly dissatisfied with the reform results.
64% of the Romanian medical staff say that, as compared to 5 years ago, the state of the sanitary system hasn't changed and some even describe it was worse.
The main causes of health system difficulties consist in insufficient funds and bad management of existing funds. 52% of the people asked admit it. 19% believe that that political interference in the management of the health system is the major cause of the difficulties the system faces.
C. P.
Ziua Luni 25 Iunie 2007
According to data provided by the initiators, the health staff's tendency is to go abroad to get employment and attractive wages. Most of the questioned say it would be difficult to turn down such an offer. And 85,6% of them claim there are colleagues of their who are now employed abroad.
The information shows most employees of the Romanian health system are dissatisfied with the state of the sanitary system, 45,35% express such dissatisfaction and 51,7% are just partly dissatisfied with the reform results.
64% of the Romanian medical staff say that, as compared to 5 years ago, the state of the sanitary system hasn't changed and some even describe it was worse.
The main causes of health system difficulties consist in insufficient funds and bad management of existing funds. 52% of the people asked admit it. 19% believe that that political interference in the management of the health system is the major cause of the difficulties the system faces.
C. P.
Ziua Luni 25 Iunie 2007
Stupidity rules
Romania has got the most stupid government it has ever had after 1989. When I say 'stupid', I mean 'stupid'! There were governments dominated by thieves, scoundrels, villains, braggers or traitors. But such a large amount of ridicule per 1 minister has never existed before! Given the hand the Social-Democrats give to keep the government down to earth, there is no God bestowed day without the noise made by the bricks minister drop !
Minister Cioroianu is a symbol of this funny government. The pantomime he played at the White House in front of the US press is memorable and it will remain so. The foreign minister made a fool of himself one more time when boasting about arranging a charter to take the Romanians in Gaza back home, although the respective Romanians were lost in Palestine.
Cioroianu's haughtiness and the self-confidence he displays when looking you in the eyes and dropping a brick are no exception in the Tariceanu Cabinet. Take minister Remes, for instance. "I don't care !" he yelled when asked to comment on the messy situation of the National Office for Land Improvement. Is it right to give such an answer when Romania is facing drought and lack of irrigation ? It 's just like what the Transylvanian says when he sees a giraffe: such a thing ain't exist ! And still ! There is nothing that can trouble the agriculture minister. His mind is as untroubled as a toddler's mind. This is why he said there would follow no price raise because of the drought. But in a country where market economy is just a concept and any pretext is good for price raising? This reminds me of his boss, Tariceanu, of the time when he was a minister of industry and the Democratic Convention was in power. He announced the gas price raise, but screamed at journalists when they estimated the usual chain price raise, especially for basic products. "What does the gas price have to do with the price of bread ?" the future PM of this comical government asked enraged.
And still minister Chiuariu, that young chap most gifted as expression of Romanian brashness, is brasher than Traian Remes and Cioroianu together. This frowning minister of Justice has got no hesitation to rebuke Reuters Agency, this so British stiff institution, for daring to call Romania by its name: the most corrupted state in the EU.
And age hasn't unfortunately got anything to do with ridiculousness. Teodor Melescanu says naughty things to have something to deny later. He didn't invite Russia to have common military moves with the Americans in Romania, it was the France Presse who misunderstood it. When replying, Moscow didn't get stuck in details and was neither impressed by the flattery. Moscow just mocked the minister smoking American cigar and sheltering outdated pro-Russian ideas.
As for minister of Education Adomnitei, he is a laughing stock even for children. But that scene with the haughty minister explaining to pre-adolescents how many stars there where on the EU flag does unjustly shade his true achievements. Minister Adomnitei announced the launch of the programme against violence in schools. The reporter asked him for details. Apart from debates, good conduct classes and preaching, there is one practical measure: the building of fences around all schools.
I wouldn't want to end my editorial without mentioning minister Nicolaescu, an official defying the disaster ZIUA is celebrating in today's front page. His brashness is unique. The greater the disaster in the Romanian health system, the more the minister insists reform is making progress. No disaster is great enough. The plague reigning during the epoch of Caragea would have been presented as a stage necessary to the reform.
We have got the most stupid and ridiculous government. But stupidity is not a flaw in Romania. On the contrary, the most stupid government is also the most stable. They are under no threat. Laws don't work, not even those in physics. Let me quote someone: this is an imponderable government. No one is supporting the government, still the government isn't collapsing !
Adrian Patrusca
Ziua Luni 25 Iunie 2007
Vacuum cleaning wife
Shortly after the Liberals took over, a company belonging to the wife of Romanian health minister Eugen Nicolaescu won the auction for a pre-campaign on the Rural Development Project. The obscure company called "Conen Consulting" with Costanta Nicolaescu as main shareowner got 1,24 billion ROL (almost $ 40,000) from the state budget.
Still the money isn't much as compared to other business. The contract signed with the Interior Ministry is as immoral as possible because when the deal was made Nicolaescu's party was in power. In an almost identical case, the Da Vinci affair, Social-Democrat minister Hildegard Puwak resigned.
And apart from the above-mentioned company, the Nicolaescu couple owns two more. And all the three companies have got debts to pay to the state budget. The 'minister of death' didn't tell his wife that he was a shareowner of the Agerr Solutions Company. Constanta Nicolaescu learnt from ZIUA about her husband's involvement in the latter company.
George Tarata
Ziua Luni 25 Iunie 2007
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