For the time being, the
Democrat Party (PD) frankly led by Mr. Traian Basescu, has consumed all forms of attack - let's say, that the times we live in allow - over the Liberals. This war getting more and more acute, with its last political guerrilla fights on the political stage, is not only the
PD war for access to resources, but also a mute war against the whole country. It is in vain that the distinguished dissident Doina Cornea has drawn and keeps on drawing the public opinion's attention on the "bellum omnium contra omnes" launched by the individual that seems to have accumulated all the hate in the world. It is in vain that Mrs. Renate Weber is warning on the fact that the limits of a political war are overcome and that the weapons the country's president got used to fight with are not the legal ones. The absolute power is all that seems to count for this party - that might in its turn be in a state of terror, according to a recently (unanimously !) excluded member. It is that kind of absolute power that, as we all know, leads to absolute corruption.
National Liberal Party) is turmoiled by the governance, bigger or smaller affairs, some legal, some illegal, and by the eternal presidential arrows. I do not know whether PNL still has the power and the time to do what is incumbent to it as a mission for history: to do whatever possible for the rule of law. If it does it, than it's only the politics and Romania's life what everybody is waiting for. That's because only if we achieve the rule of law, the style of making politics and even the existence of a party without a doctrine integrity nor a political action, without other identity except for that passed over by the
Party of the Social Democracy in Romania) father/mother, won't be possible any longer. What will come next if, within the limits already low of this war, Mr. president, not taking into account the constitution and the separation of the powers, realizes his enemies do not fall ? The answer is extremely easy to anticipate. That's because his style of turning the politics into a way of hating led Romania to the South America's way, our country being a kind of Mexico reluctantly integrated by the European Community. Well, if this is how things go, then it won't take long and we shall line up our fighting methods to the level of those countries whose presidents act like ours. And if we've got to the American way, on a twisted axis, Bucharest - Ciudad de Mexico or La Paz, then bullets will surely make their appearance. Fortunately, we've been avoided by political assassinates so far. Maybe we are a sweet tempered nation, who still has patience and where politicians still have the power to negotiate. The
PSD members, at least under the current leadership, will surely not be targeted, as they are ready to lick, while keeping smiling, all they spitted on five minutes earlier in order to get access to governance and for an extra ministry. However, if the Liberals get away, miraculously, from the imprisonment that's being prepared for them and they also keep staying in power, then they are being nothing left but to be shot down. By the way, Mugur Ciuvica produced yesterday new evidence of the fact that the secret services closely watched the
PNL leaders' actions and statements. Although, if Justice has the embarrassment of condemning them to death (we are in Europe, nevertheless !) by being shot down on the Municipal stadium, the same as Erico Verisimo was in "Mr. Ambassador"'s Venezuela, well, they have to be executed, preferably at the party's headquarters, under Bratianu's dusty pictures.
Octavian HoandraZiua Luni 24 September 2007