Monday, September 24, 2007

31 per cent of the Romanians support Tariceanu Cabinet

One third of the Romanians (37%) appreciate that the Executive should be dismissed following the debate on the vote of censure in the Parliament, shows a poll carried out by the Social Research Office (BCS), and released yesterday. According to the data provided by the social survey, 31% of the subjects wished the current cabinet had stayed in function, while 32% of them said they didn't care what would happen with Tariceanu Government. The opinion poll was carried out in 6-15 September, on a population sample of 1,073 individuals over the age of 18 and the statistic error is of 3.1%.
PD-PLD-PNG Alliance
BCS survey indicates an alliance of PD (Democrat Party) - PLD (Liberal Democrat Party) - PNG (New Generation Party) as favourite in winning the election (47.8). Meanwhile, a coalition PNL (National Liberal Party) - PSD (Social-Democrat Party) is viewed with a friendly eye by 30.5% and a PRM (Greater Romania Party) - PC (Conservative Party) coalition is viewed with a friendly eye only by 8.1%. On the other side, the survey points out the fact that PNL - PSD alliance proved to be useless (35%) and harmful (20%) for Romania. Only 18% say that it was a beneficial one and 27% couldn't answer. PD might win the next year parliamentary elections by 34.7%, while PSD would get 19.2%. PNL would record a score of 15.7%, PNG - 10% and PRM - 5%. A proportion of 31.7% of the subjects would vote for PD at the Europarliamentary election, and 18.6% would opt for PSD. PNL would get 17.8% and PNG - 11.2%. More than half of the Romanians (57%) consider that president Traian Basescu should launch the procedures for the organization of a referendum for the uninominal voting system, while 18.7% do not agree with that, and 23.8% don't know what to answer.

Roxana Andronic
Ziua Luni 24 Septembrie 2007

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