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Give them the uninominal vote, dear Calin ! –
Roxana Iordache – Ziua –
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PM Tariceanu is challenging his government with a new test: the idea to take responsibility for the "uninominal vote" law in the version agreed on with the Pro Democracy Association. The context is that, with one single exception, no one wants the government to collapse. And no one wants the uninominal vote, actually, not even the PD (Democrat Party). This would be disastrous for the latter party, because it lacks top personalities, although it has got clientele-linked sponsors. And, above all, no one would admit not being fond of this vote system”.
New game for President and PM –
Razvan Gheorghe &
Adrian Ilie – Ziua –
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The President of Romania Traian Basescu announced yesterday that he was going to arrange a referendum on the uninominal vote, although it was also yesterday that the Liberals announced the Tariceanu Cabinet was going to take responsibility for the uninominal vote law in the Parliament. During the reunion of Romanian Democrats' National Coordination Council the President put in bluntly: "I can tell you there will follow referendum". And the Democrats cheered. On the other hand, most parliamentary parties have been criticizing the President's initiative, as they think it is pointless, since the government is going to take responsibility for the law at stake“.
Romanian President launches PD candidates –
Adrian Ilie – Ziua –
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There were almost 6,000 members of the PD (Democrat Party) who got together yesterday for a reunion of the National Coordination Council and for the launch of the PD candidates to run in the election of MEPs in Romania. Apart from the party leaders, there were present the President of Romania Traian Basescu and the EPP leader Wilfried Martens”.
Cases on Romanian Revolution and coal miners' attacks in 1990 reach ECHR –
Bogdan Galca – Ziua –
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Antonie Popescu, a lawyer of the December 21 Association in Romania, addressed the European Court of Human Rights against the Romanian state because of the endless delays in the cases on the 1989 Romanian Revolution and the coal miners' attacks in 1990”.
Coface cuts on Romania's rating –
F.B. – Ziua –
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The Coface risk management company cuts on the rating for Romania in terms of company's payment capacity. From the A4 risk class Romania has got down to the A4 minus. The company claims the reason for it is the intensifying depreciation of national currency and the slowing reforms, against the background of political instability”.