Thursday, July 26, 2007

Letter war between President and ex President

The ex President of Romania Traian Basescu started yesterday an unprecedented offensive against President Traian Basescu, accusing the latter of abusive conduct, lying, hypocrisy and swindling. In his open letter the leader of the PSD (Social-Democrat Party) claims the ruling President shares interests with the group of 'good oligarchs' who made him a politician and helped him become a President. Iliescu's anger is because of Traian Basescu's interview for the French press, when the President explained Ion Iliescu was being investigated for the murders committed during the 1989 Revolution and the coal miners' attacks in 1990. Presidency replied that Ion Iliescu's letter was "full of hatred and lies".
"You are not Hercules with a call for eliminating corruption"
"This interview proves you to think of yourself as of someone aspiring to Romania's throne, like in the Phanar epoch. (...) As far as corruption is concerned, Romania can't be taken for some sort of 'Augean stables'. You are not Hercules with a call for eliminating corruption. In such a case, you should be an example of morality, honesty and honor. But this is not the case!" This is how Ion Iliescu argues in his letter.
He accuses the head of state of making prosecutors obey him and turning them into a kind of new political police. He goes on: "You can't keep on preaching. You can't always play the incorruptible, the fighter against the villainous system, since you have fully contributed to making the system so".
Condemnation of communism as hypocrite and profiteering decision
The ex President argues as follows: "Just like the citizens of this country, you know it very well that your decision to condemn communism is hypocrite and profiteering, having the only purpose to attract the revengeful anti-Communist electorate on your side." He accuses President Basescu of turning the fight against corruption into a TV show and approving that prosecutors and the secret services should break fundamental rights and manipulate data in the records of the ex Securitate (Communist Secret Service in Romania). Ion Iliescu calls President Basescu's comments on him "just swindling", as they ignore the real state of things. And the conclusion follows: "Ever since you became a head of state you have managed to destroy the slight national consensus we have painfully been building. You have dismembered social peace, making social categories reach enmity, bringing hatred and discord. As a President, you have stopped the evolution of the national reconciliation process, replacing it with revenge and grudge".
Presidency: A typical example of Soviet inspiration
Presidency spokesman Valeriu Turcan replied yesterday: "It is a letter full of hatred and lies, headed against a President who pursues a state different than the one pictured by Ion iliescu together with all those who confiscated the 1989 Revolution for themselves".
In the press release there is argued: "The President thinks Mr. Iliescu's public statement to be a typical example of propaganda of Soviet inspiration, unworthy of an ex President. By the national reconciliation he claims to be his, Mr. Ion Iliescu probably means inciting the coal miners against other social categories, toleration for the oligarchs and the groups of illegitimate interests and of the local barons".

Roxana Andronic
Ziua Joi 26 Iulie 2007

US ambassador: Culture of corruption harms Romania's image

In his interview to the "Academia Catavencu" publication, the US ambassador to Romania Nicholas Taubman advises the Romanian government to continue investigations on those officials who used power on personal purposes. According to ambassador Taubman, they are politicians unaware of how much the culture of corruption harms Romania's image abroad.
When asked about what he dislikes about Romania, the US ambassador answers he gets upset when thinking about the millions of hard-working Romanians whose work is harmed because of a small number of corrupted officials. The diplomat mentions latest efforts to fight it, but many delays as well.
As for foreign investments in Romania, he mentions the rate is high and it would be even more significant, if the many foreign investors weren't reticent, fearing they would lose equality. In his opinion, corruption slows down the so necessary infrastructure development.
When asked if he can feel the corruption in Romania in a certain way, ambassador Taubman says he is relatively protected, but that in various meetings he was offered examples of corruption: million dollar cases recounted by businessmen and bribe to the medical staff recounted by ordinary people.
As far as the conflict between Romanian President Traian Basescu and PM Calin Popescu Tariceanu is concerned, the US officials comments there shouldn't be too much fuss about it, since some aspects are predictable in a republic. He reminds that President Bush faces opposition from the Congress too. As long as people continue to act responsibly, he adds, this is not something to make us worry a lot.

Ziua Joi 26 Iulie 2007