The SIPA (Independent Service for Protection and Anti-Corruption) is not extinct. It became the DPCMP (Department to Prevent Criminality in Prisons), a secret service plotted by Romania's ex Justice minister Monica Macovei, now serving the Liberal Justice minister.
The dismemberment of the SIPA was just a lie for the EU. Government Decision 127/ 2006 dismembering the former secret service wasn't carried out because the archive wasn't transferred to national security institutions. The archive is still in the headquarters of the National Administration of Prisons, just a few meters away from the office of the ex SIPA head Doru Dobocan. The latter is now head of the DPCMP, a department established when the SIPA was dismembered.
Given the minister's order in March 2007, Dobocan's department got 105 more officers, hired after "admission examination". The number of the new department's employees is identical to the number of SIPA employees. Dobocan told the ZIUA reporters that ex SIPA officers were admitted in his department, but he denied it was a secret service.
Tudor Chiuariu, Romania's minister of Justice, was the one supposed to see to the archive transfer and obedience to EU directives and he can make successful use of the new secret service. Dobocan provides the Liberal minister with daily information on the activity and results of the DPCMP. (...)
Ziua Joi 28 Iunie 2007
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