Thursday, June 28, 2007

Romania under accusation

The Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe passed yesterday the second report authored by Swiss MEP Dick Marty, claiming that Romania and Poland housed CIA detention centers in 2003-2005. The resolution draft attached to the report released in June 8 in Paris was adopted due to 124 favorable votes in a long lasting session.
The numerous amendments from the delegations representing Poland and Romania were all dismissed. Given the decision, the Parliament of Europe is going to continue investigations and both states at stake may get severe sanctions in case they are found guilty of breaking human rights.
The accusations claiming that in 2003-2005 Poland and Romania housed CIA secret detention centers were denied by both Warsaw and Bucharest authorities. The report also claims that states like Germany and Italy opposed the search for the truth by invoking the secret of state. The resolution adopted by the Parliamentary Assembly claims that national governments invoked the secret of state and national security in order to prevent judiciary or parliamentary procedures meant to decide on responsibilities.
The resolution also demands that member states should promise to play no part in authorizing the transportation and detention of detainees still in Guantanamo on their territories. The document insists on the rehabilitation of victims, reminding that secret detention is a break of commitments taken by the US and the member states.
Wall of silence
Dick Marty argued that European governments built "a wall of silence" to reply to accusations of complicity to the CIA programme on the secret detention of terrorist suspects. He added that a concept such as secret of state was unacceptable when it was about breaking human rights.
Polish senator Urszula Gacek commented this was a conspiracy theory fueled by a generous anti-American feeling. Romanian politician Vasile Ungureanu described Marty's report as resembling "a movie script" and he demanded it should be dismissed. (...)

George Damian
Ziua Joi 28 Iunie 2007

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