Thursday, June 28, 2007

This saddening face called Romania

During the EU summit on the new constitutional treaty I felt as humiliated as I hadn't felt for a long time. Romania's participation was national shame, like sad supernumerary carrying Germany's dress train. It was embarrassingly impersonal. An embarrassing picture showing what actress Oana Pellea calls Romanica ('small Romania').
Humiliation was greater in contrast with Poland, a country turning from a satellite of the USSR into an elite player for acquiring status as great power, a transformation due to its integrity. We don't even seem to dream about getting such a status. We do nothing that can make Romania regain its international dignity and reach the players' desk.
The return to monarchy would be a guarantee. Had PM Tariceanu been His Majesty's PM, he wouldn't have allowed Romania to carry someone's dress train, even if it belonging to the first economic force in Europe. We could have made a tandem with Britain and chosen Euro-American solidarity.
The Brussels summit ended up with the adoption of a constitutional treaty full of aberration (such as the appointing of a foreign minister of Europe, the EU as juridical person of international law, elimination of the Beethoven hymn, which was the only compensation to Europeans' cowardliness to mention their fundamental Christian roots in the Constitution, the proclamation of socialism as state religion in the EU by eliminating the competition principle and more). And Romania agreed without setting conditions.
Romania's participation to this historical European reunion was so weak because those top politicians supposed to take responsibility and represent our country's interests in the EU honorably have been busy with lynching each other for two years and a half now instead of reaching consensus on Romania's interests. It is on the other hand true that PM Tariceanu had to counter President Basescu's offensive to dismember the National Liberal Party. But it is just that the PM could very well fight against the President and prepare a new international strategy for Romania as well. Unfortunately, nor Presidency nor the government took interest in it.
As for the President's intellectuals, they were useless too. They have been concerned about President Basescu's progress, but at all about a strategy for Romania. They have pursued at least one more mandate for the President. As for the governmental side, it seemed to care only about Tariceanu's score against Basescu. And the result of it was national self-goals during the EU constitution summit. And the two of them got along, which is surprising. What a sad consensus on Romania's subordinate status in Europe !
But we can't blame it just one the present irresponsible officials. Romania as the poor family relative reaching the EU court is the outcome of an undignified history.
Unfortunately, Romania is the only ex Communist European country not housing active civil society. It also is the only ex Communist Europe state where dissidence moves coordinated from within the Romanian Communist Party didn't take place. The hundred thousands of ex anti-Communist political detainees lived secluded or exiled. A handful of brave, dignified and very lonely people were protesting in the void. Because of enjoying no support, they were arrested or exiled.
Romania can't be compared to Poland, the Czech Republic or Hungary. Romania didn't shelter a move such as the "Solidarity", civic opposition such as the Czech Republic had or national riots such as in Hungary. Romania led a coward's life. And therefore Romanians have got the rulers and the results they deserve.

Roxana Iordache
Ziua Miercuri 27 Iunie 2007

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