The National Institute for the Memory of Romanian Exile, the only governmental institution under the auspices of his Majesty King Mihai I, arranged a reunion to celebrate 80 years since His Majesty had been crowned. The reunion took place last Wednesday, June 20, in the Cantacuzino Palace-The Enescu Museum in Bucharest. The attendance of King Mihai and Queen Ana crowned a graceful evening.
Mrs. Marilena Rotaru, author of the event, and Mr. Dinu Zamfirescu, a president of the above-mentioned, were hosts. They reminded that Romania hadn't actually ceased to be a constitutional monarchy, even if Moscow had ordered a republic onto it. After 60 years, the Trison Group, a children's chorus from Chishinau directed by Stefan Caranfil, sings wonderfully. Their Romanian is unbelievably beautiful. They sing "Romanian, My Country" in Bucharest, Iasi, Moscow, Kiev, Paris, Berlin. The children of Basarabia sang it and the Royal Hymn to the King of our dismembered country.
Some will give superior smiles or snarls and claim that those present at the encounter with the country's history that is still alive prove suffer from nostalgia or from unachievable aspirations. But it is those who think Romania has been in an illegal state since December 30, 1947 who delude themselves. The illusion that such illegal state can go on forever will be shattered, even if the self-delusive ones make a majority, because of lying propaganda. In 1990 we commented that the Communists who had betrayed the country had fetched republic to Romania by Soviet cannons, but without providing such an illegal deed with legal grounds. Of course they didn't care about the law, as they knew things were already settled so that Moscow would reign over Romania instead of the King. It is just that they failed to impose an illegitimate rule by legal, that is legislative, means. They broke the Constitution and the other Romanian laws to pieces.
The Abdication of His Majesty King Mihai I has never been made legal in Romania. After King Mihai had been forced into abdicating, in order to save the lives of over 1,000 young people arrested for blackmail, the National Assembly members got together. But the Parliament had no quorum. And even if there had been a quorum, after the abdication had been adopted they were to settle Regency, because of the Constitution. A republic could not be proclaimed via a monarchist Constitution. A new Constitution, a republican one, would have had to be adopted to this end, and people would have had to agree or nor by means of a referendum. No such legislative measure was taken. The servants of Moscow disregarded people's choice for monarchy and defied the Church. King Mihai I was anointed a King, which is clear even to Gigi Becali.
Romania's reaffirmation as a constitutional monarchy must be the major bet of the Tariceanu government, a thing that should have been done in December 22, 1989. Iliescu and Moscow's reactivated servants were actually the ones who had plotted the whole bloodshed masquerade so that the true Romania would stay in exile. And now, after 17 years, the Constitutional Court is making 0 out of the court cases on the 1989 Revolution and the 1990 coal miners' attacks. The owners: Iliescu&Basescu.
But we are lucky that the illegal republic coming from Moscow can be overthrown by the most fervent supporters of President Traian Basescu, with Gabriel Liiceanu top of the list. He has announced he is working on a project for a new Constitution. A monarchist one, naturally. Mind you what Mr. Liiceanu's is uttering in his wonderful voice in the film of his friend Sorin Iliesiu: Monarchy Saves Romania.
Roxana Iordache
Ziua Vineri 22 Iunie 2007 http://www.ziua.net/english
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