Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Post-communist left - a history of lie

Ion Iliescu's letter 17 years after the miners' race on 13-15 June 1990 is only a fragment of the interminable lie, misinformation and manipulation by which the post-communist left has dominated our political life. There are many decades those of FSN (National Salvation Front)-FDSN (Democratic National Salvation Front)-PDSR (Party of Social Democracy in Romania)-PSD (Social-Democratic Party) need to wash out the dishonour and the evil they've done to Romania. We know when the lie, misinformation, manipulation, as well as the murders, have started - on 22nd December 1989. But we don't know when they come to an end, as the party of Iliescu and his political associates haven't got away from staying into power.
In Romania, the left has been into power for more than 60 years. From 1944 till 1989 the radical left has been into power, that is the communist, Stalinist, totalitarian one, which has spiritually, morally and physically destroyed the nation and has reduced the country to beggary. After the communist left collapse, it was normal that parties of the liberal democracy came to power and we had a capitalist economy, able to generate, together, economic prosperity, individual liberty, equal rights for all citizens, a rule of law based on the separation of powers in the State. Nevertheless, we have enjoyed something completely different, we have had a monstrous left, whose objectives were the consolidation of the gang and individual power, the staying into power on an undetermined period and the compromised use of the State's resources to enrich its own clientele. Given their manipulative ability of a former-secret-police-nomenclature-type, at first they had managed to get the large support of the "popular masses" (in May 1990, Iliescu won the presidency by 85% of the votes, and FSN won the general election by 66% of the votes). Meanwhile, the December diversion with the dead people, the FSN turning from an executive and legislative power into a political party, the miners' races, the manipulation of the free election, the plundering of this country, and an endless list of sins won't ever be omitted by the history books. And we won't have to wait long until some of those responsible are prosecuted, and the guilty ones are condemned and go to prison. (This is until Basescu - another FSN chap, and his successor grant them a pardon).
What is happening now in PSD is the beginning of the end of a party that has swallowed too many years of our lives. The situation inside this party doesn't even deserve to be analyzed. Instead, we have to wait for the results of the five consecutive elections that are to follow in the next less than two years and a half. Although PSD is a party in a terminal stage, it still massively and negatively influences the Romanian politics. The fact that the last important historical party, PNL (National Liberal Party), is still governing against their ex-partners in the DA (Justice and Truth) Alliance, against Basescu, whom Tariceanu owes the nomination as a PM, but with PSD's massive support, shows us how much evil the party of Iliescu, Nastase, Geoana, Vanghelie&comp. still does.
After more than 60 years of left domination, 60 years of right domination should follow in Romania. I'll do no more reckoning, but after lie had dinner with presidents and PMs, with governments, ministers, parliaments, justice, time has come not to live in truth (as it would be impossible), but simply to get rid of lie. As my favourite author showed, democracy depends on the moral and spiritual state of a nation. For our nation to experience a moral, spiritual and christian rebirth, we must remove from power and from politics the source of evil - the undemocratic left.

Dan Pavel
Ziua Luni 18 Iunie 2007 http://www.ziua.net/english

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