The President of Romania Traian Basescu can see nothing discriminating in his words about Armenians, but he renews his critique of "incompetent" Varujan Vosganian, the Romanian economy minister. And yesterday he also called Cristian Adomnitei, the education minister "an official who failed the building test, the only field he proved competent in", because the minister hasn't achieved the school repair operation.
When asked to comment on the National Council against Discrimination's action against him, the President claimed he had just uttered some words compensatory for the Armenians, after having publicly called Varujan Vosganian "an incompetent minister". And he pointed: "It is just that Varujan Vosganian hasn't settled his problem". He argued on that the budget project authored by the Ministry of Economy didn't include funds for buying two new presidential aircrafts, which proved Vosganian's anger. The President added: "He didn't eliminate two planes for the President, but two planes for TAROM company". He mentioned it was about an agreement between ex PM Adrian Nastase and ex French PM Jean-Pierre Raffarin. "when with the highways, planes and personal fare". He actually meant a statement he had made in 2004, when accusing the French PM of the time of having come to Bucharest "to get his fare".
"The President has got no reason for such attitude and his response to the press shows how democratic he is. Such a thing couldn't have happened in a civilized state and I think civil society must react strongly. He is actually sending an undemocratic message to his own electorate, probably also because after the scandal with the reporter from Antena 1 channel his popularity has been growing. After the referendum he has shown a certain nervousness because of failing to capitalize his popularity and overthrow the government. Although not aggressed, he is aggressive, which is impossible to understand. Basescu reiterates offenses against the press, although he enjoyed press support. Things were calm around him that moment and he had no reason to get irritated".
A. I.
Ziua Vineri 14 Septembrie 2007 http://www.ziua.net/english
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