Friday, September 14, 2007

Compliments to the President

After getting irritated because Mr. Severin, his ex colleague in the party and government, had called him an "allogenous", President Basescu donated blood for some DNA test. We all could thus learn that, far from being an allogenous, Mr. President comes from the Euro-Asian Adam, whose line became local in these places some 40.000 years ago. The experts informed at that time that the President's R1b included the marker of the first non-African people (M168), shared by 90% of Spaniards, 95% of the Irish and 10% of the Romanians. As a rare product of the ceaseless continuity Ceausescu was vainly dreaming about, Mr. Basescu feels entitled to insult any post-Paleolithic newcomer to the country's territory. In the referendum day he told us his opinion about the Roma people (and also about women) and now we era learning how much consideration he feels for the Armenians. Maybe if times were different, we could have also learnt his true opinion on Jews and Greeks. As for the Hungarians, he can't afford it for now.
When Mr. Iliescu scolded the West because of the Westerners climbing trees at times when our brave Dacians were proving their excellency, it was actually the same tribal haughtiness showing its fangs. When Mr. Becali teaches us that it is very good for women, whom he describes as "patient", to stay for ever subordinate to men who don't sigh like women, there becomes visible the same primitive tendency to discrimination. When enraged, Mr. Iliescu too criticized the Anglo-American imperialism, unveiling a trait inherited from the Stalinist stage of anthropogenesis. I get affectionate when I recall that, during the 1992 campaign, Mr. Iliescu got irritated when being asked what he would do for women's equality of chance. And he answered he would develop rural tourism, according to which a woman was bound to the household. Mr. Becali too was furious at Mrs. Deputy Lavinia Sandru and he insulted her by quoting President Basescu's immoral words about the street women.
But, unlike the previous invectives such as the "filthy gypsy" one, this time Mr. Basescu was cheerful, not furious. He probably fancied that he was complimenting the surgeon who had just performed his surgery by saying in public that he was lucky enough to meet the only "good" Armenian among all the Armenians in the country and maybe on the planet. It is therefore obvious that the mother, the father or the grandfather of the distinguished surgeon can't possibly aspire to get Mr. President's consideration. The founders of the Radauti Cathedral, Virgil Madgearu or Harry Tavitian can neither aspire to such a thing.
The truth is that we thus find out the Romanian President's opinion on Romanians, not on Armenians, because he rarely utters words without being hopeful that they will strongly effect on the people whose single legitimate representatives he takes himself for. And since he can afford to represent us in such a way, he is obviously fully convinced that the people is like him: free with words, hostile to what doesn't resemble him, haughty and disdainful at the weaker ones, either in terms of number or in terms of prejudice, and humble in front of the powerful glowworms.
I wish that, after a high level meeting, Mr. President heard his interlocutor, maybe the US President, the Queen of England or Vladimir Putin, it doesn't matter, tell him he is the only "good" Romanian in a nation of dawdlers, thieves and incompetents. But I am afraid that, haughty as we know him to be, after learning that he is genetically more akin to the Spanish and the Irish than to the Romanian nation, he will fancy he has just been complimented.

Zoe Petre
Ziua Vineri 14 Septembrie 2007

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