Thursday, August 02, 2007

Foreign Ministry abides by couple pattern

-- Senator Eugen Mihaescu unveils to the ZIUA readers the family related network in the Romanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
The senator, a vice president of senators' foreign affairs committee, argues that the 'ambassador husband-councilor wife' pattern seems to prevail in Romanian democracy. It is family networks instead of office relations that control foreign affairs. The senator comments: "They make the secret network in the Romanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, who does and undoes things. When they get appointed and they are to leave on mission, they approach it socially: 'I have sacrificed myself for the Ministry and for you, Mr. Minister, for so long ! Then get me that job and give my wife one too !' ".
Here are some married couples with high official positions abroad the senator mentions on his list: Ligor in Madrid, Davidoiu in Dublin, Gaginshi in Washington, Mircea in Alger, Rusu recommended for Rome, Stoian recommended for Strasbourg, Matache in London, Sava in Camberra, Montanu in Rio de Janeiro, Cojocaru in Paris. There are also couples of former Communist activists: Buje in Lyon, Opris in Paris.
Senator Eugen Mihaescu is demanding Adrian Cioroianu, Romania's foreign minister, now busy handling the sex scandal bursting out because of ambassadress Manuela Vulpe, to clean Romanian diplomacy so that he would stand a chance to remain in its history. (...)

Ziua Joi 02 Iulie 2007

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