Saturday, October 06, 2007

Total war in PSD

Mircea Geoana, president of the PSD (Social-Democrat Party), wants to depose all party members opposing him: Ion Iliescu, Adrian Nastase and the group in Cluj, represented by Vasile Puscas. The PSD leader is actually trying to make the failure of the bill against the government serve him and eliminate those top members who may reproach him for the failure in the Parliament or may who want him out in the near future.
Central party leaders have summoned the representatives of all party branches to a meeting to take place in Brasov, expected to be the bloodiest PSD reunion by far. Ion Iliescu and Adrian Nastase will be reproached for their statements and ballots against the bill. Vasile Puscas is also targeted. Dan Tudorache, obedient to Geoana, has threatened to expel him, although the leader of the group in Cluj claims he voted for the bill. The attitude of Marian Vanghelie is surprising: he is against expelling the guilty from the party. Local party branches don't share opinion on the sanctioning or forgiving of the 'betrayers'.
Ion Iliescu strikes vehemently
Ion Iliescu wouldn't participate in the play to be staged in Brasov, although a member of both the Permanent National Committee and the Executive Committee. But the honorary president of the PSD has kept on denying and criticizing Geoana's decisions vehemently. He commented: "This man came with the wave, when the PSD was in power. If we talk about a call for betrayal, then Mr. Geoana has got no moral authority to talk about it".
While in Constanta he argued: "People get together in a party for the sake of some values. This is what keeps them together, but not the boss's whip. This is the primitive outlook of some who don't really know what politics is and who were not part of the great battles that built post-revolutionary democracy in Romania. Geoana and his men came after 2000, when difficulties had been settled. But now they want to put things in order in a party built with so many efforts and with the contribution of reliable and serious people. But here they are to impose some rules for children's games or for primitive humans who don't know what a party is, who think it is like in military camps where a commander orders and everyone bows, isn't it ?" (...)

Roxana Andronic

Ziua saturday 6 october 2007

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