Thursday, October 11, 2007

Plot against minister Remes

The assemblage of the images showing the Romanian agriculture minister Decebal Traian Remes caught red-handed while taking so-called bribe from ex minister Muresan, broadcast in the News on TVR, the public television channel, shows the offensive comes from Cotroceni Palace.
The effects of the decision to dismember the Cotroceni commission are proving devastating for the Tariceanu Cabinet's credibility. The 'flagrant' leads to the conclusion that the Ordinance on the ministerial responsibility law was released so that President Basescu would no longer get to ministers.
The recording images show ex minister Muresan telling denouncer Ciorba: "They have expected... the guy to attack. You know, BASESCU... And they dissolved that commission through which he summons ministers to the COMMISSION ! So he has got no place to summon them to !"
Theoretically speaking, the leak may come from the National Anti-Corruption Department, the Prosecutor's Office, the Bucharest Courthouse or Court of Appeal or even Cotroceni Palace. The Prosecutor's Office claims not unsealing the evidence. Muresan says the courts showed no recording. Therefore the recording could have been produced only by Cotroceni Palace or the National Anti-Corruption Department at the President's request.
The Romanian Justice minister Tudor Chiuariu wants criminal investigations on the leaking information. The Romanian PM Calin Popescu-Tariceanu intends to ask agriculture minister Decebal Traian Remes to resign, but he also wants to watch the recording broadcast by TVR.
As for the minister allegedly caught red-handed, he made no comments. On the other hand Avram Muresan didn't admit he had talked about some envelope, but the images recorded show the opposite. (...)

George Tarata
Ziua thursday 11 october 2007

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