Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Lobby for bill against government

The President of Romania Traian Basescu came out yesterday to explain Presidency's view on the fate of the Social-Democrats' bill against the government. He announced that, if the Parliament passed the bill, he would talk to the parties and appoint a PM to try to establish a majority on the nucleus made by the PNL (National Liberal Party), the PD (Democrat Party) and the PLD (Liberal Democrat Party).
The officials of both Parliament Chambers are to debate on the bill against the government today at 12:00.
Choice for a Democrat PD
The President informed yesterday: "My choice is certainly a PD PM. This PM's duty is to make a team and a plan and find 50% plus 1 support in the Parliament. Unless the PM finds such support, although I will be taking all efforts to help him, I will make a second move: try to talk to the parliamentary parties and establish a national union government to govern till the following elections". The President added that, in case this failed too, then early elections would follow. Still he mentioned "But we know this is not the case and the second government will pass".
Olteanu and Hrebenciuc made a deal
The PSD (Social-Democrat Party) and the PNL agreed in yesterday's talks to vote against the bill against the government, parliamentary sources claim. The PSD wanted power in exchange for voting against their own bill, whereas the Liberals insinuated they would be willing to govern together with the PSD after the election of MEPs.
Sources also say the PSD delegation for talks was made up of Mircea Geoana, Cristian Diaconescu, Titus Corlatean and Viorel Hrebenciuc. On the other side, in the PNL delegation there were Bogdan Olteanu, Titus Gheorghiof, Puiu Hasotti and Crin Antonescu.
Imminent government changes
PNL sources mention that Liberal leaders such as Norica Nicolai and Puiu Hasotti suggested that, after the PSD reached derision, there should follow changes in the Tariceanu Cabinet. It mainly regards foreign minister Adrian Cioroianu, education minister Cristian Adomnitei and Justice minister Tudor Chiuariu. (...)

Roxana Andronic & Razvan Gheorghe
Ziua wednesday 3 october 2007

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