The PSD (Social-Democrat Party) has finally completed the text of their bill against the government titled "1,000 Days of Chaos, the End of the Right Government". It was completed in yesterday's meeting of the National Permanent Committee of the PSD, when party president Mircea Geoana tried to convince his colleagues that he was in control of the situation and that the talks between the PSD and the other parties would start.
Just a sketch
Despite his promises on "transparent negotiations", all that Mircea Geoana brought yesterday is total mystery. The text was the only certainty. The title is on the entire rule of the Liberal-Democrat government, not only on the Tariceanu Cabinet, which is almost sure to doom the fate of the PSD initiative. Even PSD members have sabotaged it and now it stands small chance to pass in the Parliament. The party hasn't even mentioned the precise date when the bill is to reach the Parliament, as the final decision is due today. The fate of Adrian Nastase and Ion Iliescu is to be decided today too, when PSD members are to analyze the solicitation from the PSD branch in Bucharest, District 1, that the two should be expelled.
Problems inside the PSD
Because it is on the government's entire activity, the PSD bill is almost impossible to pass in the Parliament. First of all, the Liberals would never help their own government to collapse. Secondly, the Democrats, whom the PSD is taking for allies with view to overthrowing PM Tariceanu, are likely to dismiss a text critical of the activities they performed when in power. Thirdly, there are problems inside the PSD, as there is a side strongly opposing this initiative. Therefore the PSD may point to the Democrats' rule on purpose, in order to justify PSD members' votes against the bill. (...)
Mystery talks or bluff
Mircea Geoana announced his colleagues yesterday that he was going to have serious talks with top politicians, but he provided no details, claiming it was in order to make the press curious. PSD sources say he was to meet with the party members yesterday evening at 10 and inform them about the talks. Yesterday there was rumor about a meeting between the PSD leader and the President of Romania Traian Basescu or the Democrats. They say that in exchange to support for the bill the PSD would agree to do away with the top members. (...)
But more rumor reached the Parliament quickly. " Geoana is meeting with Basescu", "Geoana is having talks with the Democrats" and "Geoana has got nothing. He is playing bluff" were the three versions strongly voiced yesterday by the PSD members. (...)
Tariceanu's Cabinet is incompetent and lacks support
The bill asks that the Tariceanu Cabinet should be dismissed because of incompetence and lack of political support. According to the text, the dismissal of the government would open way for "a new team and a new programme to meet Romania's needs and get support from a transparent parliamentary majority". The party claims that, if the bill fails, it will encourage "the progress towards a non-European society pattern, a deeply divided society, which would harm Romania's development severely".
There is also argued that the Parliament is to make a choice. "We either want to restore stability in the country and put an end to these three years of successive political conflicts that triggered governmental inefficiency and social discomfort or we want to keep a government of amateurs, unable to find solutions to the main problems of Romanian".
The document denounces the existence of several crises: in politics, agriculture and economy. The PSD (Social-Democrat Party) pleads as follows: "If we take a look at the Romanian Parliament, we can realize this government has lost support. And therefore it no longer represents the will of the electors' majority. Most of the population no longer trusts the government in power".
Roxana Andronic
Ziua Miercuri 19 Septembrie 2007 http://www.ziua.net/english
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