Monday, August 13, 2007

SRI empire

Animated GIFs

-- ZIUA is the first to provide you with a scheme of the phone call intercepting the SRI (Romanian Secret Service), headed by George Maior, has got absolute control of, as far as all the information is concerned.
Because of the outdated legislation and of no national center for interception, all phone wires reach the SRI. The National Anti-Corruption Department, the Foreign Intelligence Service, the UM 0962, the Department to Fight and Prevent Organized Crime and Terrorism and the Intelligence Department in the Ministry of Defense have to ask for surveillance via the SRI and it is from the SRI as well that information reaches them. In fact, the SRI officials and the people who use the data know what evidence prosecutors have got, even when the evidence is on someone in their scope.
On grounds of an authorization signed by a prosecutor or of a warrant released by a judge, the SRI demands phone operators to intercept some phone calls just when people are on the phone. Telecommunication service providers are shown neither the warrant nor the reason for such intercepting, as it is all up to the SRI decision, just as the emerging information is.
The secret services use their own intercepting equipment illegally. The outcome may not be used in court, but it becomes an instrument for blackmail. (...)

Razvan Savaliuc
Ziua luni 13 august 2007

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