Mircea Geoana, president of the PSD (Social-Democrat Party), announced yesterday that his party was going to support any law respecting democratic rights and European conventions, but not "the incisive laws trying to reopen wounds", such as the lustration law.
According to the PSD leader, the lustration law may turn into a political instrument. He argued: "Given this, I have got a problem: the lustration law is a political weapon and I wouldn't talk about finding the truth as political pretext. If we want to learn the truth and make peace with our past, we must make these issues clear. I will support the initiatives, but I won't agree that someone should play with this kind of instrument as with a political weapon against the party I head or against some political adversaries." He claimed there were such messages coming from "people who should have been under lustration a long time ago" or some who had collaborated with the ex Securitate (Communist Secret Service in Romania) before 1989, still now "boasting about being the apostles of cleanness and morality in Romania".
Anca Hriban
Ziua Joi 23 August 2007 http://www.ziua.net/english
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