Mircea Geoana wants that the CNSAS (National Council for Research on the Communist Secret Service Archive) access to the files of the BOR (Romanian Orthodox Church) representatives be restricted, being decided to initiate a legislative project in this respect. The PSD (Social-Democrat Party) leader stated yesterday that he wishes to protect the Orthodox Church against the dirty assaults that have been launched lately, meant to besmear a national symbol. Several CNSAS members have rejected the idea from the very beginning, by considering it an electoral move.
The Social-Democrat leader hurried to defend the high clergy, whose files CNSAS has begun to check up, and wants that this check up be stopped. (...) The PSD chairman criticized the fact that dirty weapons are being used in the campaign for the election of the new Patriarch and he asked for their condemnation. Geoana spoke about political scheme, which high clerks are subject to, and asked the political class to stop the assaults against the Church. Moreover, Mircea Geoana appreciated that the Church defended, during the communist regime, the interests of the Romanian people.
Naive child

Mircea Dinescu amused himself when he heard the proposition of the PSD leader Mircea Geoana, and characterized him as a "naive child, who believes the people love the priests". Dinescu said he perceived the Social-Democrat leader as a gesture for the electoral campaign. He mentioned that other social categories could also ask for their being outlawed and that is why he considers Mircea Geoana's proposition as a discriminatory one. Sources inside CNSAS told us there were signs inside CNSAS that PSD was preparing such a project to increase in polls. They told us that no matter what the Social Democrats would do, the process the College have begun on the checking up of some high clerks cannot be stopped now.
Electoral gesture

Constantin Ticu Dumitrescu expressed his surprise about Mircea Geoana's intervention and he only considers it an electoral gesture. "If this matter caused him pain, he should have thought of it when the CNSAS law was voted. He is not doing a good turn to the Church; on the contrary, he might do a good turn to some people holding some positions within its hierarchy. I'm afraid that it's other people's turn tomorrow, of other social categories, who had signed a pact with the Securitate (former communist secret police), and other party leaders might ask us to outlaw them", said Ticu Dumitrescu. He pointed out that if this approach is carried out, no one knows what the CNSAS role is any longer. However, Constantin Ticu Dumitrescu added that the MPs are sovereign and it is on them to decide on the modification of the law on the functioning of the CNSAS.
Cristian Andrei
Ziua Joi 30 August 2007 http://www.ziua.net/english
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