Thursday, July 12, 2007

World Bank: Diseased, poor and uneducated

On the World Bank website there have been posted three reports on Romania's progress with the sanitary reform, social protection policies, pension policies and education system. The Romanian ministers of public health, labor and education have confirmed for us that the documents reached their offices too.
According to the World Bank experts, although health indicators in Romania have been improving, Romania is still behind the times as compared to the other European states. The advice is that the reform should continue.
As for pensions, the document has it that after 16 years of economic and social transition Romania is still working hard to achieve a feasible social protection system.
Education is no better, despite the many reform measures taken, Romanian students' achievements are still much poorer by the EU and OECD standards. (...)

Ziua Marti 11 Iulie 2007

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