-- Theodor Stolojan, now a president of the PLD (Liberal-Democrat Party), is trying hard to hide the activity he had before 1989. In today's newspaper you can read about his true face. Theodor Stolojan, now a president of the PLD (Liberal-Democrat Party), is trying hard to hide the activity he had before 1989. In today's newspaper you can read about his true face.
Theodor Stolojan was a deputy chief of the currency operations department in the Ministry of Finance until 1986. From this year until 1989 he was a general chief of the institution, which was directly subordinate to dictator Nicolae Ceausescu and also a source coordinating his currency.
According to his attributions, Stolojan was to approve or disapprove of all operations performed: the special currency operations in a bank account belonging to the Securitate (Communist Secret Service in Romania), and currency operations of the Communist Party. It is to be mentioned that in late 1989 in the latter bank account there were $ 139 million.
After the 1989 Revolution Stolojan was involved in the redirecting of the money still to be found there: $ 19 million, after Romania had paid its foreign debt. Still the PLD president's involvement in it is kept secret.
Coordinated by colonels
Before 1986, Stolojan collaborated with the AVS department in the Foreign Information Office. He was employed as "expert adviser" and coordinated by reserve colonels Andronic and Anghelache. In the 70s he was also present in the list of the Institute for World Economics, an under cover institute of the UM 0920. His double membership became visible years later too. After he left the World Bank, after having been a prime minister of Romania, there was comment on his involvement, in exchange for money, in sending confidential information to British company Solomon Brother.
"Medicine provider"
After having been dismissed from the currency operations department together with deputy minister Vasile Iuga, he became a general inspector in the State Income Department, headed by Nicolae Sandulescu. When dismissed, Stolojan had a nervous breakdown and spent some time in the Mental Hospital in Predeal, Romania. His health troubles are well known. Together with the fact that he could be blackmailed because of his communist past, they made him 'renounce' his candidacy in the presidential elections in 2004 and allow Traian Basescu go for it instead.
There are persons who worked together with him in the ministry who claim he used to ask for money in order to facilitate currency exchange operations that would be justified, in agreement with the respective persons, as "medicine providing". (...)
Traffic of influence
Theodor Stolojan has been a user of traffic of influence for years. Apart from famous cases such as ALRO Slatina and RAFO, a few years ago Stolojan persuaded Viorel Catarama, Crin Antonescu and Calin Popescu Tariceanu into supporting Roma-origin Anghel Sandu, a mafia man, to buy a gas station in Dolj at an advantageous price. Later on Anghel Sandu fueled substantial funds to the National Liberal Party in 2000, meant for the electoral campaign. Had Stolojan been elected a President of Romania, he would have got protection for the illicit business he was in.
Controversial businessman Petre Paul Tardea is another character in ties with Stolojan. The businessman paid Democrat officials (1-3 billion ROL) for an eligible place on the electoral lists of the Liberal-Democrat alliance. Friends of Tardea say he gave enough money to both Valeriu Stoica and Theodor Stolojan, at that time a president of the National Liberal Party, in order to become a MP and represent the district of Gorj. (...)
Mihnea Talau
Ziua Luni 16 Iulie 2007 http://www.ziua.net/english
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