Friday, July 06, 2007

On principles

I have found it difficult to understand why President Basescu decided to come out in a special edition of a TV show accompanied by two journalists not exactly easy to get along with. As I am aware of the risk I am taking - the President raged against those daring to comment on his statements -, I am now sketching an analysis of his discourse that can help us better understand what Mr. Basescu pursued by such a stormy interview.
Here are the pejorative words Mr. Basescu used most often to describe his adversaries: "control" (6 times), "mafia" (6 times) and "mafia man"(6 times). Words derived from "mafia" were insistently used by his interlocutors too more than 10 times. Then there was "complicity" (4 times), whenever used associated to "control". And there was the "collapse" (2 times) too. Let's mentions two tough words - "gang" and "bluff" -, each of them used just once, but with prominent resonance. As for the good side of his vocabulary, a word as noble as "principles" was used 6 times, with Mr. President himself as beneficiary. "Political ideals" was spectacularly used just once, with the President pitying his adversaries for lacking it.
What conclusions can we reach ? First of all, that the President is still furious because for now he can't make even for the MP's decision to suspend him and therefore he is again addressing the Romanians (used 12 times), in order to consolidate the idea that an impure complicity of the "political mafia", this 3-headed monster (Hrebenciuc, Oltean and Verestoy, each name uttered 3 times), is the only one responsible for the evil in the country and in the world.
As I am a restless blog reader, I believe he needn't tackle it again: complicity, political mafia and occult group mafia are so deeply rooted in the collective mind, which is completely indifferent to the absence of evidence and delighted with Basescu's frequent incantations! It is just that the presidential frustration has this time got a worrying object: the Parliament's unanimous decision to raise pensions and in particular the Tariceanu Cabinet's decision to take responsibility for it and identify resources to cover for the raise. Therefore the President needs to mobilize people against the 322 MPs and the political mafia: the economy of his speech shows President Basescu asked for the "the special edition" out of fury, in order to discredit this decision. He used everything at hand as threat: collapse of the pension system up to the sacrificing of the future - education and highways - in favor of the past, symbolized by the retired. And then the denounced the law as being a bluff. That flaw of logic allowing a poor bluff to cause the system to collapse has passed unnoticed too.
In the last 15 years only those crocodiles who didn't want to didn't shed rivers of tears to sympathize with the fate of the retired. Therefore in vain did Mr. Basescu repeat the word "decent" and its kin 5 times, for such an attempt to disappoint people already despaired is nevertheless deeply indecent. In 1991, the parliamentary majority of the Front for National Salvation passed Law 18 and Mr. Iliescu's attitude at it was bitter, which did not prevent the peasants from continuing to believe, which goes for the present too, that it was Mr. Iliescu who gave them land. I don't know what Mr. Basescu is afraid of, since, just like Sassu, "the fake politician, originating from the Front of National Salvation, then joining the Democrat Party, he stayed in the gang he preferred, the initial one, the Front for National Salvation". Given the PSD rule, the Romanian retired will continue to curse the Parliament and cry with joy that Basescu raised their pensions.

Zoe Petre
Ziua Vineri 06 Iulie 2007

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