The President of Romania Traian Basescu is the main favorite of the electorate, as 65,8% of citizens would vote for him. Mircea Geoana, leader of the PSD (Social-Democrat Party), is second, due to 6,6% and Adrian Nastase, the ex PSD leader, is third (5,5%), according to the opinion poll released by the Public Policy Institute.
According to the research, the Democrat Party tops vote preferences (47,9%). The PSD is next (19,8%). The National Liberal Party is third (9,2%), then there follow the New Generation Party (7,8%) and the "Greater Romania" Party (5,1%).
Most Romanians would participate in a referendum meant to change the means to elect the MPs and they are for a one-Chamber Parliament, the research also mentions.
It is to be noticed that most Romanians don't know those MPs coming from the districts they inhabit, nor have they ever met a senator or deputy.
The research concludes that 65,5% of the population think President Traian Basescu should chair government meetings more often and 78,3% opine he is not dictatorial. 61,6% of Romanians dislike the President's habit of drinking alcohol in public places, whereas 36,8% have got nothing against it.
Roxana Andronic
Ziua Marti 31 Iulie 2007 http://www.ziua.net/english
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