The President has got some guts –
Roxana Iordache – Ziua –
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One needs to have real guts to talk about morality and claim to be a knight of pure quests, although one has got the Romanian President's past. He has never made clear his personal story, his address or financial status. As for the criminal cases against him, they are deadlocked.Still he plays the savior of the nation's quests and he looks like the liberating Russian cannons. No argument, no invocation of sensible reasons, nothing can prevent his campaign of moral fraud to serve his own interests and his clientele's. He keeps on supporting the same approach in favor of the majority rule voting system and he omits inconvenient truths”.
Yushchenko defeats Basescu a third time –
Anca Hriban &
George Damian – Ziua –
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The talks between the President of Romania Traian Basescu and the Ukrainian President Viktor Yushchenko lasted more than three hours yesterday. They raised all the traditional topics of Romanian-Ukrainian relations, "reaching diagnoses and possible solutions", as the Romanian President put it afterwards. He gave some details: the Transdniester issue, national minorities, the siderurgy plant in Krivoi-Rog and Bastroe canal in particular. The very issues they had talked about one, two and three years before“.
Romanian PM: The referendum is expensive –
Ovidiu Banches – Ziua –
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According to the law, the referendum may not be held in the same locatios where the Euro-elections are held, but the government is taking efforts to cut on the costs involved. This is what the Romanian PM Calin Popescu-Tariceanu wrote in his letter for the President of Romania Traian Basescu yesterday.In his reply the PM asked the President not to use the uninominal vote law as tool in the political and electoral fight and collaborate on a common purpose instead. It is to be reminded that last Monday the PM got a letter from the President, demanding that the referendum and the election of MEPs should share the locations so that the processes would be simultaneous”.
Geoana asked to get rid of people like Iliescu –
M.T. – Ziua –
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As the Euro-election campaign is progressing, things are getting worse in the PSD (Social-Democrat Party), for party leaders are busy fighting domestic battles and taking revenge against adversaries from within the party. The news is that, apart from such disputes, surprising because of their context, some of the top leaders have got to use dirty language”.
Muffled fraud –
style="font-style:italic;">Razvan Savaliuc – Ziua –
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Crin Nicu Bologa, a head of the DNA (National Anti-Corruption Department) branch in Cluj, closed a case on a piece of land of 70 million Euro the state was illegally deprived of. The beneficiary of it is Arpad Paszkany, a favorite of President Basescu's”.
Decision on safeguard clause most likely in November 27 –
G.M. – Ziua –
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The European Commission is most likely to decide whether to apply the safeguard clause on Romanian agriculture or not in November 27. EU Commissioner Leonard Orban said it yesterday.He explained the decision would be 100% grounded on the state of things in Romanian agriculture. He opined that Mariann Fischer Boel, the EU Agriculture Commissioner, was most willing to support Romania in avoiding the safeguard clause, as well as in the country'' future initiatives”.